adult respiratory distress syndrome. See respiratory distress syndrome (def. 2).

* * *

District (pop., 2001: 73,244), Northern Ireland.

Formerly part of County Down, Ards was established as a district in 1973. Much of its land is devoted to crops and pasture. Newtownards, settled с 1608 by Scots, is its administrative seat and manufacturing centre. Donaghadee is a popular resort town.

* * *

Irish  An Aird 

      district, eastern Northern Ireland. Formerly within County Down, Ards was established as a district in 1973. It extends northward from just south of the village of Killinchy along the western shoreline of Strangford Lough (inlet of the sea) to the town of Newtownards and encompasses the peninsula of land east of Strangford Lough. Bordered by North Down and Castlereagh districts to the northwest and Down district to the southwest, Ards is composed of relatively dry, rolling lowlands in the west; the peninsula is characterized by clusters of drumlins (oval mounds of glacial till). Newtownards, settled about 1608 by Scots of the Montgomery clan at the site of a Dominican friary (now in ruins), is the district's administrative seat and manufacturing centre with textile, metal, and engineering industries. Much of the district's land is devoted to crops (potatoes and barley) and pastureland. Donaghadee, at the northeastern end of the peninsula, is a popular resort town, and bird sanctuaries are found along the lough-side. Roads extending throughout the district merge with a national highway at Newtownards, then run westward to Belfast. Area 139 square miles (361 square km). Pop. (2004 est.) 74,648.

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Universalium. 2010.

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