
architraval, adj.architraved, adj.
/ahr"ki trayv'/, n. Archit.
1. the lowermost member of a classical entablature, resting originally upon columns. See diag. under column.
2. a molded or decorated band framing a panel or an opening, esp. a rectangular one, as of a door or window.
[1555-65; MF < It; see ARCHI-, TRAVE1]

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      in Classical architecture, the lowest section of the entablature (horizontal member), immediately above the capital of a column. See entablature.

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  • architrave — ► NOUN 1) (in classical architecture) a main beam resting across the tops of columns. 2) the frame around a doorway or window. ORIGIN French, from Latin trabs a beam …   English terms dictionary

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