
/ahrch"dee"keuhn/, n.
1. an ecclesiastic, ranking next below a bishop and having charge of the temporal and external administration of a diocese, with jurisdiction delegated from the bishop.
2. Rom. Cath. Ch. a title of honor conferred only on a member of a cathedral chapter.
[bef. 1000; ME archideken, OE arcediacon < LL archidiaconus < Gk archidiákonos. See ARCH-1, DEACON]

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ecclesiastical title
      in the Christian church, originally the chief deacon at the bishop's church; during the European Middle Ages, a chief official of the diocese; an honorary title in the modern Roman Catholic church (Roman Catholicism). The name was first used in the 4th century, although a similar office existed in the very early church. Appointed by the bishop, the archdeacon was charged with the duties of preaching, supervising the deacons and their work, and supervising the distribution of alms. Eventually he became the first assistant to the bishop in the administrative and disciplinary work of the diocese and even represented the bishop at councils. When the bishop died, the archdeacon governed the diocese until a successor was elected.

      From the 10th to the 13th century the archdeacon (usually an ordained priest) became more powerful. He was given jurisdiction over a defined territory, and dioceses were divided into several archdeaconries. The office was conferred irrevocably by the cathedral chapter rather than by the bishop. Thus, archdeacons became rivals of the bishop and exercised in their territories all the rights of a bishop except the power of ordaining.

      During the 13th century a reaction began by the bishops, and the power and authority of archdeacons declined rapidly during the 14th and 15th centuries. The Council of Trent (Trent, Council of) took away most of their powers.

      The office developed similarly in the Eastern church (Eastern Orthodoxy) and is today primarily an honorary title.

      In the Anglican (Anglican Communion) church, archdeacons have administrative authority, delegated by a bishop, over an entire diocese or part of one. Their duties vary.

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Universalium. 2010.

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