
/ahr'kee bak tear"ee euh/, n. pl., sing. archaebacterium /-tear"ee euhm/.
a group of microorganisms, including the methanogens and certain halophiles and thermoacidophiles, that have RNA sequences, coenzymes, and a cell wall composition that are different from all other organisms: considered to be an ancient form of life that evolved separately from the bacteria and blue-green algae and sometimes classified as a kingdom.
Also, archaeobacteria /ahr'kee oh bak tear"ee euh/.
[1977; < NL, equiv. to archae-, irreg. for archaeo- ARCHAEO- (perh. an erroneous Latinizing of Gk arche- ARCHE-) + bacteria BACTERIA]

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Group of bacteria whose members differ from the eubacteria in certain physical, physiological, and genetic features (e.g., cell-wall components).

Archaebacteria are aquatic or terrestrial microorganisms that exhibit a diversity of shapes, including spherical, rod-shaped, and spiral forms. They survive in various extreme environments, including very hot or salty ones. Some require oxygen; some do not. Some produce methane as an end product; others depend on sulfur for their metabolism.

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Universalium. 2010.

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