
arbitrational, adj.arbitrationist, n.
/ahr'bi tray"sheuhn/, n.
1. the hearing and determining of a dispute or the settling of differences between parties by a person or persons chosen or agreed to by them: Rather than risk a long strike, the union and management agreed to arbitration.
2. Internat. Law. the application of judicial methods to the settlement of international disputes.
[1350-1400; ME < L arbitration- (s. of arbitratio), equiv. to arbitrat(us) (see ARBITRATE) + -ion- -ION]
Syn. 1. See mediation.

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Process of resolving a dispute or a grievance outside a court system by presenting it for decision to an impartial third party.

Both sides in the dispute usually must agree in advance to the choice of arbitrator and certify that they will abide by the arbitrator's decision. In medieval Europe arbitration was used to settle disputes between merchants; it is now commonly used in commercial, labour-management, and international disputes. The procedures differ from those used in the courts, especially regarding burden of proof and presentation of evidence. Arbitration avoids costly litigation and offers a relatively speedy resolution as well as privacy for the disputants. The main disadvantage is that setting guidelines is difficult; therefore the outcome is often less predictable than a court decision. See also mediation.

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      nonjudicial legal technique for resolving disputes by referring them to a neutral party for a binding decision, oraward.” An arbitrator may consist of a single person or an arbitration board, usually of three members.

      Arbitration is most commonly used in the resolution of commercial disputes and is distinct from mediation and conciliation, both of which are common in the settlement of labour disputes between management and labour unions. In mediation, the parties resort to a third person to offer a recommendation for a settlement or to help them to reach a compromise. Such intervention by a third party, which also occurs in international disputes between states in the form of diplomatic intervention and good offices, has no binding force upon the disputants, unlike the arbitrator's ruling.

Commercial arbitration
      Commercial arbitration is a means of settling disputes by referring them to a neutral person, an arbitrator, selected by the parties for a decision based on the evidence and arguments presented to the arbitration tribunal. The parties agree in advance that the decision will be accepted as final and binding.

      Historically, commercial arbitration was used in resolving controversies between medieval merchants in fairs and marketplaces in England and on the European continent and in the Mediterranean and Baltic sea trade. The increased use of commercial arbitration became possible after courts were empowered to enforce the parties' agreement to arbitrate. The first such statute was the English Arbitration Act of 1889, which was later consolidated into an act of 1950 and adopted by arbitration statutes in most countries of the British Commonwealth. It was followed in the United States by an arbitration statute of the state of New York in 1920 and the Federal Arbitration Act of 1925. The latter dealt with the enforcement in federal courts of arbitration agreements and awards in maritime transactions and those involving interstate and foreign commerce. Most U.S. states adopted, sometimes with minor changes, the Uniform Arbitration Act of 1955, as amended in 1956, which had been promoted by the Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and recommended by the American Bar Association. This act provided for the judicial enforcement of an agreement to arbitrate existing and future disputes and thereby made the arbitration agreement no longer revocable, as it had been under common law. It also provided for the substitution of arbitrators in the event of a party's failing to select an arbitrator and for a suspension of any court action instituted in contravention of a voluntary arbitration agreement. The courts thereby play an important role in implementing arbitration agreements and making judicial assistance available against a recalcitrant party. This concept of modern arbitration law, which recognizes the irrevocability of arbitration agreements and the enforceability of awards, also prevails in the arbitration statutes of nearly all countries.

Function and scope
      Arbitration customarily has been used for the settlement of disputes between members of trade associations and between different exchanges in the securities and commodities trade. Form contracts often contain a standard arbitration clause referring to specific arbitration rules. Numerous arrangements between parties in industry and commerce also provide for the arbitration of controversies arising out of contracts for the sale of manufactured goods, for terms of service of employment, for construction and engineering projects, for financial operations, for agency and distribution arrangements, and for many other undertakings.

      The usefulness and significance of arbitration are demonstrated by its increasing use by the business community and the legal profession in many countries of the world. An advantage of arbitration can be the speed with which controversies can be resolved by arbitration, compared with the long delays of ordinary court procedure. The expert knowledge of arbitrators of the customs and usages of a specific trade makes testimony by others and much documentation unnecessary and thereby eliminates some expenses generally associated with court procedures. The privacy of the arbitration procedure also is much valued by parties to the controversy; situations unfavourable to the party's credit or deficiencies in manufactured goods revealed in arbitration proceedings do not become known to outsiders. There are, however, disadvantages in the arbitration process. Because in Anglo-American practice abitrators generally do not have to provide any reason to accompany an award, it has been difficult to develop guidelines for the conduct of business relations. Moreover, this uncertainty makes the arbitral decision less predictable. Further obstacles to the wider use of commercial arbitration are the divergences in municipal laws and court decisions that result in different interpretations of similar arbitration questions and the fact that awards usually are not published.

      Because the arbitrator's ability and fairness are the decisive elements in any arbitration, the selection process is an important aspect of arbitration. Generally, both parties select an arbitrator at the time a conflict arises or at the time the arbitration agreement is concluded. The two arbitrators then select a chairman, forming a tribunal. The selection of arbitrators often is made by agencies administering commercial arbitration under preestablished rules of procedure. These organizationsvarious trade associations, produce exchanges, and chambers of commerce in many countriesmaintain panels of expert arbitrators. The parties may either make their own selection or entrust the appointment of the arbitrators to the organization.

      Challenges to the arbitration process are not uncommon. For example, a party may claim that no valid arbitration agreement existed because the person signing the agreement had no authority to do so or that a condition precedent to arbitration was not fulfilled. More often, arbitration is contested on the ground that the specific controversy is not covered by the agreement. In such cases, the issue of whether the arbitrator has authority to deal with the conflict is usually determined by a court. The arbitration process is also sometimes challenged on the grounds that an arbitrator lacked impartiality. Any such challenge generally can be maintained only after the arbitration has been concluded, as courts are reluctant to interfere with the arbitration process before an award has been rendered.

      The arbitration process is governed by the rules agreed to in the arbitration agreement; otherwise, the procedure is determined by the arbitrators. The arbitration proceedings must be conducted so as to afford the parties a fair hearing on the basis of equality. The arbitrator generally has the authority to request the parties and third persons to produce documentary evidence and to enforce such a request by issuing subpoenas. If a party fails to appear at a properly convened hearing without showing a legitimate cause, the arbitrator in most instances can proceed and render an award after investigating the matter in dispute.

      Under the law and arbitration practice of most countries, an award is valid and binding upon the parties when rendered by a majority of the arbitrators unless the parties expressly request a unanimous decision of the arbitrators. The statutory law of various countries and the rules of agencies administering commercial arbitration contain provisions on the form, certification, notification, and delivery of the award, with which requirements the arbitrator has to comply.

      A much-disputed question in commercial arbitration concerns the law to be applied by the arbitrators. Generally, the award must be based upon the law as determined by the parties in their agreement. This failing, the arbitrator must apply the law he considers proper in accordance with the principles of the conflict of laws. In both cases, the arbitrator must take into consideration the terms of the contract and the usage of the specific trade. If a compromise is reached by the parties during any arbitration proceeding, that compromise may be recorded as an award by the arbitrator.

      Appeals to the courts from the award cannot be excluded by agreement of the parties, since the fairness of the arbitration process as a quasi-judicial procedure has to be maintained. However, any court control is confined to specific matters, usually enumerated in the arbitration statutes, such as misconduct of the arbitrator in denying a party the full presentation of its claim or refusing a postponement of the hearing for good cause. A review of the award by a court generally does not address the arbitrator's decisions as to facts or his application of the law. The competence of the courts usually is restricted so as not to make the arbitration process the beginning of litigation instead of its end. Recognition of an award and its enforcement will be denied when it appears to be contrary to public policy. An arbitration award has the authority of a court decision and may be enforced by summary court action according to the procedural law of the country in which execution is being sought.

International commercial arbitration
      International commercial arbitration between traders of different countries has long been recognized by the business community and the legal profession as a suitable means of settling trade controversies out of court. The procedure in international commercial arbitration is basically the same as in domestic arbitration. In the mid-1960s, in order to establish more uniformity in procedure and to make access to arbitration facilities more easily available, the United Nations economic commissions published new rules applying to international arbitration for Europe and Asia.

      The development of international commercial arbitration was furthered by uniform arbitration legislation prepared by the UN Conference on International Commercial Arbitration in 1958 and by the Council of Europe (Europe, Council of) and the Inter-American Juridical Committee of the Organization of American States (American States, Organization of). One particularly difficult problem of international commercial arbitration is the enforcement of awards in a country other than the one in which they were rendered. Statutory municipal laws usually do not contain provisions for the enforcement of foreign awards, and parties are faced with uncertainty about the law and practice of enforcement procedure in a country other than their own.

      International agreements facilitate the enforcement of foreign awards to the extent that no further action is necessary in the country in which the award was rendered; the opposing debtor must establish that the award has been set aside or that its effects have been suspended by a competent authority, which thus shifts the burden of proof of the nonbinding character of the award to the losing party. Further development of international commercial arbitration has been encouraged by the UN Commission on International Trade Law, which aims at promoting the harmonization and unification of laws in the field of international commercial arbitration.

Labour arbitration
      Labour arbitrationthe reference of disputes between management and labour unions to an impartial third party for a final resolutionis usually the last step under a collective-bargaining (collective bargaining) agreement after all other measures to achieve a settlement have been exhausted. Unlike commercial arbitration, labour arbitration is not an auxiliary avenue of justice and thereby a substitute for ordinary court procedure. It is also a technique used for settling or avoiding strikes.

      Two major aspects of labour arbitration are usually distinguished: arbitration of rights and arbitration of interests. Arbitration of rights refers to the arbitration of an existing labour contract when a dispute over its application arises between labour and management. Arbitration of interests refers to arbitration between labour and management during the negotiation of a new labour contract.

Arbitration of rights
      Arbitration of rights under the terms of a collective-bargaining agreement is employed in the United States far more frequently than in most other countries. Outside the United States, labour courts, industrial courts, or conciliation and arbitration commissions perform the function of arbitrating rights. These bodies usually are appointed by the government, and recourse to them is frequently compulsory.

      More than 90 percent of the collective-bargaining agreements in the United States provide for arbitration as a last step in the grievance procedure. For example, employees, through their union, may present for arbitration complaints concerning such matters as discipline, discharge, and violations of working conditions. Other issues frequently submitted to arbitration customarily concern premium payments and incentive rates, overtime and vacations, holiday bonuses, seniority rights, and fringe benefits, such as pension and welfare plans.

      The arbitrator's decision must be based on the collective-bargaining agreement, which provides for the application of an existing contract to the grievance presented. The arbitrator, not the court, usually is responsible for determining whether the various steps in the grievance procedure have been complied with before the initiation of the arbitration process. However, the question of whether the disputed issue is covered by the collective-bargaining agreement is determined by a court and not by the arbitrator. In the United States, this authority of the courts was upheld by the Supreme Court (Supreme Court of the United States) in 1960.

      The choice of arbitrator is made either by naming him in the agreement or, more often, by leaving the choice open until a dispute has arisen. Frequently, only a single arbitrator is appointedusually an expert in the field of industrial relations. Alternatively, tripartite arbitration boards can be established, with each party appointing its own arbitrator, who acts somewhat as an advocate. A neutral chairman is selected either by the parties or by the two party-appointed arbitrators.

      A further technique of arbitration of rights is the appointment of a single permanent arbitrator to resolve disputes for the duration of the collective-bargaining agreement. This type of arbitrator is intimately acquainted with the various economic, financial, and other aspects of the particular industry and is familiar with the past relationship between management and union. This permanent system originated in the United States in the anthracite-coal industry at the beginning of the 20th century and has been employed in other industries (e.g., newspaper publishing and clothing).

      Labour arbitrators render binding decisions and are not bound by strict rules of court procedure, especially as regards burden of proof and the presentation of evidence. Arbitrators have the power to subpoena persons and written evidence. They tend to evaluate factual evidence rather freely and often reduce penalties imposed upon employees by the management for breach of the labour contract. In order to establish precedents in the operation of the plant, even minor questions, such as the use of company time by employees for breaks, are submitted to arbitration. However, arbitrators generally are not bound to follow previous decisions. Decisions of labour arbitrators are seldom reviewed by the courts, as awards are usually fully complied with by both parties.

Arbitration of interests
      Arbitration of the terms of a new contract, referred to as arbitration of interests, may be instituted if management and the labour union are unable to agree on a new contract. However, in most countries, management and union are seldom inclined to resort to lockouts and strikes in an attempt to obtain favourable new contracts, and interest arbitration is thus rarely used.

      Compulsory arbitration, directed by legislative fiat, has been a controversial issue in the settlement of industrial disputes. It has been favoured in disputes in the transportation industry, which may involve great public inconvenience, and in disputes in the public-utilities sector when an immediate danger to public health and safety might occur. Compulsory arbitration has been declared unconstitutional in some states of the United States, though it has been adopted as a regular procedure for the settlement of disputes with municipal employees in some U.S. cities.

International arbitration
      Controversies between sovereign states that are not settled by diplomatic negotiation or conciliation are often referred, by agreement of both parties, to the decision of a third disinterested party, who arbitrates the dispute with binding force upon the disputant parties. Such arbitration between states has a long history; it was used between city-states in ancient Greece and also in the Middle Ages, when the pope often acted as the sole arbitrator.

Historical development
      The modern development of international arbitration can be traced to the Jay Treaty (1794) between Great Britain and the United States, which established three arbitral commissions to settle questions and claims arising out of the American Revolution. In the 19th century, many arbitral agreements were concluded by which ad hoc arbitration tribunals were established to deal with specific cases or to handle a great number of claims. Most significant was the Alabama claims arbitration under the Treaty of Washington (1871), by which the United States and Great Britain agreed to settle claims arising from the failure of Great Britain to maintain its neutrality during the American Civil War.

      Commissions consisting of members drawn from both disputant countries (“mixed arbitral commissions”) often were used in the 19th century to settle pecuniary claims for the compensation of injuries to aliens for which justice could not be obtained in foreign courts. Such was the purpose of a convention in 1868 between the United States and Mexico, by which claims of citizens of each country arising from the Civil War were settled. Boundary disputes between states were also often settled by arbitration.

      International arbitration was given a more permanent basis by the Hague Conference of 1899, which adopted the Hague Convention on the pacific settlement of international disputes, revised by a conference in 1907. The convention stated:

International arbitration has for its object the settlement of disputes between States by judges of their own choice and on the basis of respect for law. Recourse to arbitration implies an engagement to submit in good faith to the award.

      A Permanent Court of Arbitration, composed of a panel of jurists appointed by the member governments, from which the litigant governments select the arbitrators, was established at The Hague in 1899.

      Twenty cases were arbitrated between 1902 and 1932, but from that year until 1972 only five cases were dealt with, largely because the importance of the Permanent Court of Arbitration was diminished by the establishment of the Permanent Court of Justice (1922) and its successor, the International Court of Justice. More recently, the International Court of Arbitration (established in 1923), which was originally devised for the settlement of disputes between states, has offered its services for the arbitration of controversies between states and individuals or corporations. By the beginning of the 21st century, the court had arbitrated more than 10,000 disputes.

Arbitration provisions of international treaties
      There are several multilateral treaties that provide for the settlement of international disputes by arbitration, including the Geneva General Act for the Settlement of Disputes of 1928, adopted by the League of Nations (Nations, League of) and reactivated by the UN General Assembly in 1949. That act provides for the settlement of various disputes, after unsuccessful efforts at conciliation, by an arbitral tribunal of five members. Other such treaties include the General Treaty of Inter-American Arbitration, signed in Washington in 1929, and the American Treaty on Pacific Settlement of Disputes, signed in Bogotá in 1948. The Council of Europe adopted the European Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes (1957). Arbitration is also mentioned as a proper method of settling disputes between countries in the Charter of the United Nations, as it was in the Covenant of the League of Nations.

      The UN's International Law Commission submitted to the General Assembly in 1955 a Convention on Arbitral Procedure. Its model rules would not become binding on any UN member-state unless they were accepted by a state in an arbitration treaty or in a special arbitral agreement. However, the model rules were not adopted in any arbitration arrangement between disputant governments, though in 1958 the General Assembly recommended the model rules for use by member-states when appropriate. It seems clear that states prefer flexibility in the resolution of their disputes by arranging the rules and proceedings of an arbitration according to circumstances.

      There are great impediments to the acceptance of international arbitration, especially in cases in which disputes between governments and foreign private parties are involved. In such cases the state will often insist that its own local remediesadministrative and court proceedingshave been exhausted. Generally, the government of the national who advances a claim against a foreign government will require evidence that the injured party has pursued all remedies in the foreign country before it presses a claim for international negotiation and adjudication. Contracting parties may agree in their contract that they need not exhaust local remedies before resorting to arbitration. The Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes (1965) states:

Consent of the parties to arbitration under this Convention shall, unless otherwise stated, be deemed consent to such arbitration to the exclusion of any other remedy. A Contracting State may require the exhaustion of local administrative or judicial remedies as a condition of its consent to arbitration under this Convention.

      The arbitration agreement in a general multilateral treaty, a bilateral convention, or a specific contractual arrangement between two states often does not deal with particulars, such as the selection and appointment of the arbitrators, the procedure to be followed in the arbitration, the subject matter of the dispute, the specific issues to be submitted, the presentation of evidence, the place of the hearings, the law to be applied by the arbitrators, and the time when the award has to be rendered. These questions usually are dealt with in a compromis, a submission agreement between the parties to the dispute. If the compromis fails in some particular (e.g., to define the applicable law), the arbitrator generally applies the relevant principles of international law.

      An award rendered by an arbitral tribunal is customarily complied with by states. In fact, unless a state is prepared to comply with an adverse decision, it generally will not submit the dispute to arbitration. The difficulties in the use of international arbitration thus consist less in the enforcement of arbitral awards than in persuading states involved in disputes to submit them to arbitration.

Martin Domke Ed.

Additional Reading

Commercial arbitration
Leading treatises and handbooks on commercial arbitration in English include Frank Elkouri et al. (eds.), How Arbitration Works, 5th ed. (1997), which also covers labour arbitration; David St. John Sutton, John Kendall, and Judith Gill, Russell on Arbitration, 21st ed. (1997); N.D. Basu, Basu's Law of Arbitration and Conciliation, 9th ed., rev. by P.K. Majumdar (1998); and Pieter Sanders and Albert Jan van den Berg (eds.), International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, 4 vol. (1984– ).

Labour arbitration
Labour arbitration is treated in Clarence M. Updegraff, Arbitration and Labor Relations, 3rd ed. (1970). The historical development of arbitration is described in Edwin Emil Witte, Historical Survey of Labor Arbitration (1952). Detailed primers are Arnold M. Zack, A Handbook for Grievance Arbitration: Procedural and Ethical Issues (1992); and Charles S. LaCugna, An Introduction to Labor Arbitration (1988). Tia Schneider Denenberg and R.V. Denenberg, Alcohol and Other Drugs: Issues in Arbitration (1991), focuses on this growing problem. Max Zimny, William F. Dolson, and Christopher A. Barreca (eds.), Labor Arbitration: A Practical Guide for Advocates (1990), is both a training guide and a resource volume. David B. Lipsky and Clifford B. Donn (eds.), Collective Bargaining in American Industry: Contemporary Perspectives and Future Directions (1987), provides examples from specific industries. Arnold M. Zack (ed.), Arbitration in Practice (1984), examines specific aspects of the arbitration process. Walter E. Baer, Arbitration for the Practitioner (1988), is a guide for those involved in arbitration. Douglas M. McCabe, Corporate Nonunion Complaint Procedures and Systems: A Strategic Human Resources Management Analysis (1988), examines arbitration and grievance procedures in nonunion companies.

International arbitration
Various aspects of international arbitration are dealt with by J.L. Simpson and Hazel Fox, International Arbitration: Law and Practice (1959); David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies, Report of a Study Group on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (1966); Pieter Sanders (ed.), International Arbitration: Liber Amicorum for Martin Domke (1967); and Mauro Rubino-Sammartano, International Arbitration: Law and Practice, 2nd rev. ed. (2001). T. Hanami and R. Blanpain (eds.), Industrial Conflict Resolution in Market Economies: A Study of Canada, Great Britain, and Sweden (1987), and Industrial Conflict Resolution in Market Economies: A Study of Australia, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, and the USA, 2nd ed. (1989), provide general overviews and examples for each country from both public and private sectors. Christine D. Gray, Judicial Remedies in International Law (1987, reissued 1990), includes treatment of international arbitration tribunals. Alan Redfern and Martin Hunter, Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration, 3rd ed. (1999), is an extensive treatise.

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