- Aquarius
/euh kwair"ee euhs/, n., gen. Aquarii /euh kwair"ee uy'/ for 1, adj.n.1. Astron. the Water Bearer, a zodiacal constellation between Pisces and Capricornus.2. Astrol.b. a person born under this sign, usually between January 20th and February 18th; an Aquarian.adj.3. Aquarian.
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(Latin: "Water carrier") In astronomy, the constellation lying between Capricorn and Pisces; in astrology, the 11th sign of the zodiac, governing approximately the period January 20–February 18.It is usually represented as a man pouring a stream of water out of a jug, probably because in ancient times the rising of Aquarius coincided in the Middle East with the annual arrival of floods or rainfall. In the astrological concept called the Great Yearthe 25,000-year period it takes the earth to pass through the influence of the entire zodiacthe early 19th century was the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.* * *
(Latin: Water Bearer), in astronomy, zodiacal constellation lying between Capricornus and Pisces, at about 23 hours right ascension (the coordinate on the celestial sphere analogous to longitude on the Earth) and 10° south declination (angular distance south of the celestial equator). It lacks striking features, the brightest stars being only of the third magnitude.In astrology, Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period c. January 20–c. February 18. Its representation as a man pouring a stream of water out of a jug came about, it has been suggested, because in ancient times the rising of Aquarius coincided in the Middle East with a period of floods and rain. In the conceptual scheme of the “Great Year”—the more than 25,000 years it takes the Earth to pass in turn through the influence of each of the signs of the zodiac—the Earth is said to have passed into the age of Aquarius early in the 19th century.* * *
Universalium. 2010.