
/ah pooh"rdde/, n.
a river flowing E from W Venezuela to the Orinoco. ab. 500 mi. (805 km) long.

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      estado (state) in the Llanos (plains) of southwestern Venezuela. It is bounded on the north by Táchira, Barinas, and Guárico states and the Apure River, on the east by Bolívar state and the Orinoco River, and on the south and west by Colombia.

      The state is famous for its llaneros (cowboys), who were key fighters in the independence movement of the early 19th century. Mounted llaneros still work the area's large cattle ranches, which have driven the local economy from the time of the first European settlements. Drainage is poor, and annual floods are extensive and prolonged. During the harsh dry season the savanna grasses become virtually inedible, and many cattle are driven to wetter areas as far east as the Orinoco River. San Fernando de Apure, the state capital and main population centre, has a large meat-packing industry. Several dry-season highways run deep into the state from the north and west. Area 29,500 square miles (76,500 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 473,941.

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Universalium. 2010.

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