
/ap"euhn zel'/; Ger. /ah"peuhn tsel'/, n.
1. a canton in NE Switzerland, divided into two independent areas. Cf. Appenzell Ausser Rhoden, Appenzell Inner Rhoden.
2. a town in and the capital of Appenzell Inner Rhoden. 5200.
3. (often l.c.) a type of embroidery, used chiefly on fine hankerchiefs.

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      capital of the Halbkanton (demicanton) of Appenzell Inner-Rhoden, northeastern Switzerland, in the Sitter Valley, south of Sankt Gallen. Originally a possession of the abbey of Sankt Gallen, it was the traditional capital of the Appenzell region and became the capital of Inner-Rhoden after the canton was divided in 1597. Notable landmarks include an ancient chapel of the abbots of Sankt Gallen; a modern church with a late Gothic choir; the town hall (156163); the 16th-century castle housing a historical museum; and two Capuchin convents. Two important annual events are the Corpus Christi procession and the meeting of the Landsgemeinde (or open-air cantonalparliament”—actually a cantonal legislative meeting of all concerned citizens, a nearly unique manifestation ofpure democracy”). Pastoral occupations, embroidery, and the manufacture of textiles are the principal economic activities. The population is German speaking and Roman Catholic. Pop. (2007 est.) 5,706.

      canton, northeastern Switzerland, consisting of two autonomous half cantons. Appenzell is entirely surrounded by present-day Sankt Gallen canton. It was first mentioned by name in 1071 as Abbatis Cella, in reference to its rulers, the abbots (later prince abbots) of Sankt Gallen. As early as 1377, however, this portion of the abbots' domains formed an alliance with the Swabian free imperial cities and adopted a constitution of its own. The region defended itself against the abbots in the Appenzell War of 140310 and in 1411 was placed under theprotectionof the Swiss Confederation, of which it became a member in 1513. Religious differences after the Counter-Reformation led to the division of the canton in 1597 into the independent half cantons of Appenzell Inner-Rhoden (predominantly Roman Catholic) and Appenzell Ausser-Rhoden (predominantly Protestant). These names refer simply to the inner or outer portions, or districts, of Appenzell itself; Rhoden in its singular form is said originally to have meant a clearing.

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Universalium. 2010.

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