- aposematic
—aposematically, adv.colored or constructed in a way that indicates special capabilities for defense.[1885-90; APO- + SEMATIC]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Aposematic — Ap o*se*mat ic, a. [Pref. apo + sematic.] (Zo[ o]l.) Having or designating conspicuous or warning colors or structures indicative of special means of defense against enemies, as in the skunk. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aposematic — [ap΄ō si mat′ik, ap΄əsi mat′ik] adj. [ APO + SEMATIC] Zool. serving to warn off potential attackers: said of an animal s warning coloration: see APATETIC aposematically adv … English World dictionary
aposematic — adjective Etymology: apo + Greek sēmat , sēma sign Date: 1890 being conspicuous and serving to warn < aposematic coloration in butterflies > • aposematically adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
aposematic mechanism — ▪ biology biological means by which a dangerous, or noxious, organism advertises its dangerous nature to potential predators (predation). The predator, having recognized the dangerous organism as an unfavourable prey, thereupon desists from… … Universalium
aposematic coloration — noun conspicuous coloration or markings of an animal serving to warn off predators a skunk s aposematic coloration • Syn: ↑warning coloration • Hypernyms: ↑protective coloration … Useful english dictionary
aposematic — referring to a colour or structure that warns of a special means of defense against a predator … Dictionary of ichthyology
aposematic — adj. [Gr. apo, away; sema, signal] Warning coloration or structures that repel predators, also including movements, sounds, smells, etc; see allosematic color, sematic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
aposematic — adjective That serves as a warning to predators, as of toxicity, especially falsely … Wiktionary
aposematic — [ˌapə(ʊ)sɪ matɪk] adjective Zoology denoting coloration or markings serving to warn or repel predators. Derivatives aposematism noun Origin C19: from apo + Gk sēma sign + atic … English new terms dictionary
aposematic — ap·o·se·mat·ic … English syllables