
/euh pel"eez/, n.
360?-315? B.C., Greek painter.

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flourished late 4th centuryearly 3rd century BC

Greek painter.

He studied under Pamphilus and was court painter to Philip II of Macedonia and his son, Alexander the Great. Notable works included a portrait of Alexander, an allegorical picture of Calumny, and a painting of Aphrodite rising from the sea. A master of composition and chiaroscuro, he was noted for his technical improvements; he used a dark glaze to preserve his paintings and soften their colour. Though no copies of his works survive, in antiquity he was considered the greatest of Greek painters.

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Greek painter

flourished 4th century BC

      early Hellenistic Greek painter whose work was held in such high esteem by ancient writers on art that he continues to be regarded, even though none of his work survives, as the greatest painter of antiquity.

      Almost as little is known of Apelles' life as of his art. He was of Ionian origin but became a student at the celebrated Dorian school of Sicyon in southern Greece, where he worked under the painter Pamphilus. His works are said to have combined Dorian thoroughness with Ionic grace.

      He became the recognized court painter of Philip II of Macedonia and his son Alexander III (Alexander the Great) the Great. His picture of Alexander holding a thunderbolt ranked among his outstanding works. Other notable works of Apelles include portraits and a great allegorical picture representing Calumny and a painting representing Aphrodite rising out of the sea. Of these works no copies survive; descriptions of his works, however, inspired later artists to emulate them, especially during the Italian Renaissance.

      It is said that he attached great value to the drawing of outlines, practicing every day. The tale is well known of his visit to Protogenes and the rivalry of the two masters as to which could draw the finest and steadiest line. He probably used only a small variety of colours and avoided elaborate perspective. Simplicity of design, beauty of line, and charm of expression were supposedly his chief merits.

      Apelles was also noted for improvements in technique. He used a dark glaze, called atramentum, that served both to preserve his paintings and to soften their colour. There is little doubt that he was one of the boldest and most progressive of artists of his time.

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