
apartness, n.
/euh pahrt"/, adv.
1. into pieces or parts; to pieces: to take a watch apart; an old barn falling apart from decay.
2. separately in place, time, motion, etc.: New York and Tokyo are thousands of miles apart. Our birthdays are three days apart.
3. to or at one side, with respect to place, purpose, or function: to put money apart for education; to keep apart from the group out of pride.
4. separately or individually in consideration: each factor viewed apart from the others.
5. aside (used with a gerund or noun): Joking apart, what do you think?
6. apart from, aside from; in addition to; besides: Apart from other considerations, time is a factor.
7. take apart,
a. to disassemble: to take a clock apart.
b. Informal. to criticize; attack: She was taken apart for her controversial stand.
c. to subject to intense examination: He will take your feeble excuses apart.
8. having independent or unique qualities, features, or characteristics (usually used following the noun it modifies): a class apart.
[1350-1400; ME < OF a part to one side. See A-5, PART]

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