Antarctic Circle

Antarctic Circle
an imaginary line drawn parallel to the equator, at 23° 28prime; N of the South Pole: between the South Frigid Zone and the South Temperate Zone. See diag. under zone.

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Parallel of latitude approximately 66.

5° south of the Equator that circumscribes the southern frigid zone. It marks the northern limit of the area within which, for one day or more each year, the sun does not set or rise. The length of continuous day or night increases southward from the Antarctic Circle, mounting to six months at the South Pole.

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      parallel, or line of latitude around the Earth, at 66°30S. Because the Earth's axis is inclined about 23.5° from the vertical, this parallel marks the northern limit of the area within which, for one day or more each year, at the summer and winter solstices, the Sun does not set (December 21 or 22) or rise (June 21 or 22). The length of continuous day or night increases southward from one day at the Antarctic Circle to six months at the South Pole. The South Pole is located on the central ice-covered plateau of the large continental mass, the Antarctic, which almost fills the area within the Antarctic Circle. On any date, the lengths of day and night at the Antarctic Circle are the converse of those at the Arctic Circle. The Antarctic Circle, which separates the South Frigid Zone from the South Temperate Zone, was first crossed by Captain James Cook (Cook, James) on January 17, 1773.

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Universalium. 2010.

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