- answer
—answerer, n. —answerless, adj./an"seuhr, ahn"-/, n.1. a spoken or written reply or response to a question, request, letter, etc.: He sent an answer to my letter promptly.2. a correct response to a question asked to test one's knowledge.3. an equivalent or approximation: a singing group that tried to be the French answer to the Beatles.4. an action serving as a reply or response: The answer was a volley of fire.5. a solution to a problem, esp. in mathematics.6. a reply to a charge or accusation.7. Law. a pleading in which a party responds to his or her opponent's statement of position, esp. the defendant's reply to the plaintiff's complaint.8. Music. the entrance of a fugue subject, usually on the dominant, either slightly altered or transposed exactly after each presentation in the tonic.v.i.9. to speak or write in response; make answer; reply.10. to respond by an act or motion: He answered with a nod. The champion answered with a right to the jaw.12. to be or declare oneself responsible or accountable (usually fol. by for): I will answer for his safety.14. to conform; correspond (usually fol. by to): The prisoner answered to the description issued by the police.v.t.15. to speak or write in response to; reply to: to answer a person; to answer a question.16. to act or move in response to: Answer the doorbell. We answered their goal with two quick goals of our own.17. to solve or present a solution of.18. to serve or fulfill: This will answer the purpose.20. to conform or correspond to; be similar or equivalent to: This dog answers your description.21. to atone for; make amends for.22. to reply or respond favorably to: I would like to answer your request but am unable to do so.23. answer back, to reply impertinently or rudely: Well-behaved children do not answer back when scolded.24. answer the helm, Naut. (of a vessel) to maneuver or remain steady according to the position of the rudder.[bef. 900; ME andswerien, OE andswerian, andswarian deriv. of andswaru an answer, equiv. to and- opposite, facing (cf. AND, ALONG) + Gmc *swaro, deriv. of SWEAR]Syn. 1. riposte. ANSWER, REJOINDER, REPLY, RESPONSE, RETORT all mean words used to meet a question, remark, charge, etc. An ANSWER is a return remark: an answer giving the desired information. A REJOINDER is a quick, usually clever answer or remark made in reply to another's comment, not to a question. REPLY usually refers to a direct or point-by-point response to a suggestion, proposal, question, or the like: a reply to a letter. A RESPONSE often suggests an answer to an appeal, exhortation, etc., or an expected or fixed reply: a response to inquiry; a response in a church service. A RETORT implies a keen, prompt answer, esp. one that turns a remark upon the person who made it: a sharp retort. 6. defense, plea.
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Universalium. 2010.