
/ah"nee, ah nee"/, n., pl. anis.
any of several black, tropical American cuckoos of the genus Crotophaga, having a compressed, bladelike bill.
[1820-30; < Sp or Pg < Tupi or Guarani]

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historical city, Armenia
      ancient city site in extreme eastern Turkey. Ani lies east of Kars and along the Arpaçay (Akhuryan) River, which forms the border with Armenia to the east.

      Situated along a major east-west caravan route, Ani first rose to prominence in the 5th century AD and had become a flourishing town by the time Ashot III the Merciful (reigned 952977), the Bagratid king of Armenia, transferred his capital there from Kars in 961. Thus began a golden age for the city, which was beautified under two subsequent Bagratid rulers. The many churches built there during this period included some of the finest examples of medieval architecture. Although the population estimate made in the Middle Ages of about 100,000 in the early 11th century is unreliable, Ani was substantial in its size and magnificence. It remained the chief city of Armenia until Mongol raids in the 13th century, a devastating earthquake in 1319, and shifting trade routes sent it into an irreparable decline. Eventually the site was abandoned. The surviving churches and the remnants of the city walls attest to the extraordinary quality of Armenian stonework during the Middle Ages. The modern Turkish village of Ocaklı is nearby.

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