
/an"droyd/, n.
an automaton in the form of a human being.
[1720-30; < NL androides. See ANDR-, -OID]

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       operating system for cellular telephones (mobile telephone). Android, which is based on Linux, an open source operating system for personal computers (personal computer), was first developed by the American search engine company Google Inc. The first cellular telephone to feature the new operating system was the T-Mobile G1, released on Oct. 22, 2008.

      On Nov. 5, 2007, Google announced the founding of the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of dozens of technology and mobile telephone companies, including Intel Corporation, Motorola, Inc., NVIDIA Corporation, Texas Instruments Incorporated, LG Electronics, Inc., Samsung Electronics, Sprint Nextel Corporation, and T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom). The consortium was created in order to develop and promote Android as a free open source operating system with support for third-party applications. Android-based phones require the latest third-generation (3G) wireless networks in order to take full advantage of all of the system'ssmartphonefeatures, such as one-touch Google searches, Google Docs (e.g., word editors, spreadsheets), Google Earth (satellite mapping software), and Google Street Views (a local mapping service).

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Universalium. 2010.

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