
/an"euh tays', -tayz'/, n. Mineral.
a naturally occurring crystalline form of titanium dioxide, TiO2. Also called octahedrite.
[1835-45; < F < Gk anátasis, equiv. to ana- ANA- + ta- (var. s. of teínein to stretch) + -sis -SIS]

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      one of three minerals composed of titanium dioxide (TiO2), the other two being rutile and brookite. It is found as hard, brilliant crystals of tetragonal symmetry and various colours in veins in igneous and metamorphic rocks and commonly in placer deposits of detritus. Notable vein deposits exist in many regions of the Alps; placer deposits are common in Minas Gerais and Bahia, Braz. Much anatase is formed by weathering of titanite, and it is itself altered to rutile; rutile paramorphs (replacements having the same outward shape) after anatase are common in the detrital deposits of Brazil and the Sanarka region of the Urals. For detailed physical properties, see oxide mineral (table).

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  • anatase — [an′ə tāz΄] n. [Fr < Gr anatasis, prolongation < ana , up + tasis, a stretching < stem of teinein: see TEND2; so named because of its long crystals] a dark colored, hard, tetragonal form of titanium dioxide, usually found in schist and… …   English World dictionary

  • Anatase — [ Crystals from Gouveia, Minas Gerais, Brazil ] Anatase is one of the three mineral forms of titanium dioxide, the other two being brookite and rutile. It is always found as small, isolated and sharply developed crystals, and like rutile, a more… …   Wikipedia

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  • anatase — noun Etymology: French, from Greek anatasis extension, from anateinein to extend, from ana + teinein to stretch more at thin Date: circa 1828 a tetragonal mineral consisting of titanium dioxide and used especially as a white pigment …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • anatase — noun a blue or brown mineral, a form of titanium dioxide, used as a pigment Syn: octahedrite …   Wiktionary

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  • anatase — an•a•tase [[t]ˈæn əˌteɪs, ˌteɪz[/t]] n. mir a naturally occurring crystalline form of titanium dioxide, TiO2 • Etymology: 1835–45; < F < Gk anátasis extension, der. (with sis sis) ofanateíneinto extend (ana ana +teínein to stretch) …   From formal English to slang

  • anatase — /ˈænəteɪz/ (say anuhtayz) noun a black to brown mineral, titanium dioxide, TiO2, occurring in octahedral crystals; octahedrite. {French, from Greek anatasis extension} …  

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