
/ay"meuhs/, n.
1. a Minor Prophet of the 8th century B.C.
2. a book of the Bible bearing his name.
3. a male given name: from a Hebrew word meaning "burden."

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flourished 8th century BC

Earliest Hebrew prophet (one of the 12 Minor Prophets) to have a biblical book named for him.

Born in Tekoa in Judah, he was a shepherd. According to the book of Amos, he traveled to the richer and more powerful northern kingdom of Israel to preach his visions of divine destruction and the message that God's absolute sovereignty required justice for rich and poor alike and that God's chosen people were not exempt from the moral order. He foretold the destruction of the northern kingdom and Judah and anticipated the predictions of doom by later biblical prophets.
(as used in expressions)
Alcott Amos Bronson
Comenius John Amos
Jan Amos Komenský
Oz Amos
Amos Klausner
Stagg Amos Alonzo
Tutuola Amos
Whitney Amos

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Hebrew prophet

flourished 8th century BC

      the first Hebrew prophet to have a biblical book named for him. He accurately foretold the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel (although he did not specify Assyria as the cause) and, as a prophet of doom, anticipated later Old Testament prophets.

      The little that is known about Amos' life has been gleaned from his book, which was, in all likelihood, partly or wholly compiled by other hands. A native of Tekoa (now a ruin), 12 miles (19 km) south of Jerusalem, Amos flourished during the reigns of King Uzziah (c. 783742 BC) of Judah (the southern kingdom) and King Jeroboam II (c. 786746 BC) of Israel. By occupation, he was a shepherd; whether he was merely that or a man of some means is not certain. He actually preached for only a short time.

      Under the impact of powerful visions of divine destruction of the Hebrews in such natural disasters as a swarm of locusts and fire, Amos traveled from Judah to the neighbouring richer, more powerful kingdom of Israel, where he began to preach. The time is uncertain, but the Book of Amos puts the date as two years before an earthquake that may have occurred in 750 BC. Amos fiercely castigated corruption and social injustice among Israel's pagan neighbours, Israel itself, and Judah; he asserted God's absolute sovereignty over man; and he predicted the imminent destruction of Israel and Judah. After preaching at Bethel, a famous shrine under the special protection of Jeroboam II, Amos was ordered to leave the country by Jeroboam's priest Amaziah. Thereafter his fate is unknown.

      From his book, Amos emerges as a thoughtful, probably well-traveled man of fierce integrity, who possessed a poet's gift for homely but forceful imagery and rhythmic language. So distinctive is his style of expression that in many instances the reader can distinguish those portions genuinely by Amos from parts probably invented by others, such as the concluding, optimistic section foretelling the restoration of the Davidic kingdom.

      As a theologian, Amos believed that God's absolute sovereignty over man compelled social justice for all men, rich and poor alike. Not even God's chosen people were exempt from this fiat, and even they had to pay the penalty for breaking it; hence, Amos also believed in a moral order transcending nationalistic interests.

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Universalium. 2010.

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