
/am"neuh stee/, n., pl. amnesties, v., amnestied, amnestying.
1. a general pardon for offenses, esp. political offenses, against a government, often granted before any trial or conviction.
2. Law. an act of forgiveness for past offenses, esp. to a class of persons as a whole.
3. a forgetting or overlooking of any past offense.
4. to grant amnesty to; pardon.
[1570-80; ( < MF amnestie) < Gk amnestía oblivion, equiv. to ámnest(os) forgetting (a- A-6 + mnes- remember + -tos verbal adj. suffix) + -ia -Y3]
Syn. 1. See pardon.

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In criminal law, a sovereign act of oblivion or forgetfulness (from Greek amnestia, "forgetfulness") granted by a government, especially to a group of persons who are guilty of (usually political) crimes in the past.

It is often conditional upon the group's return to obedience and duty within a prescribed period. See also pardon.

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      in criminal law, sovereign act of oblivion or forgetfulness (from Greek amnēsia) for past acts, granted by a government to persons who have been guilty of crimes. It is often conditional upon their return to obedience and duty within a prescribed period. Amnesty is granted usually for political crimes against the state, such as treason, sedition, or rebellion. It is addressed generally to classes or communities and takes the form of a legislative act or other constitutional or statutory act of the supreme power of the state. Thus in 1865 President Andrew Johnson issued a proclamation granting full pardon to all former Confederates (except certain leaders) who would take an unqualified oath of allegiance to the United States. Technically, however, an amnesty differs from a general pardon in that the latter simply relieves from punishment whereas the former declares innocence or abolishes the crime.

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Universalium. 2010.

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