
/ah mee"dah/, n. Judaism.
a liturgical prayer that is recited in standing position at each of the three daily services and consists of three opening blessings, three closing blessings, and one intermediate blessing on the Sabbath and holy days and 13 intermediate blessings on other days.
[ < Heb 'amidhah a standing]

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Jewish prayer
plural  amidoth , or  Amidot , Hebrew  ʿamida (“standing”) 

      in Judaism, the main section of morning, afternoon, and evening prayers, recited while standing up. On weekdays the amidah consists of 19 benedictions. These include 3 paragraphs of praise, 13 of petition, and another 3 of thanksgiving. Some call this section of the daily prayer by the ancient name, shemone ʿesre (Hebrew:eighteen”), although the 19th benediction was added around 100 CE.

      On sabbaths, festivals, and New Moon services, the amidah consists of the first 3 praises and the last 3 thanksgivings, but a special paragraph for the appropriate day replaces the usual 13 benedictions in the middle. Thus the amidah at these services has only 7 sections and is known as bircath sheva. The 13 petitions are omitted because it is forbidden to speak of need and sadness at these joyous services.

      During the worship service, the amidah is first recited by each individual as a silent prayer, giving any sinner a chance to atone without embarrassment. The prayer is then repeated aloud by the reader. There is never a Jewish service without an amidah.

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