
/am"boh/, n., pl. ambos.
(in an early Christian church) a raised desk, or either of two such desks, from which the Gospels or Epistles were read or chanted.
Also, ambon.
[1635-45; < ML ambo(n) < Gk ámbon edge, rim, pulpit]

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also called  Ovambo,  

      ethnolinguistic group located in the dry grassland country of northern Namibia and southern Angola. They are usually called Ovambo in Namibia and Ambo in Angola and speak Kwanyama, a Bantu language. The Ambo were originally ruled by hereditary kings who performed priestly functions.

      The Ambo economy rests almost equally on agriculture and animal husbandry, supplemented by fishing, hunting, and gathering. Millet and sorghum are the most extensively cultivated crops; cattle, sheep, and goats are owned by all of the groups, cattle being of particular importance for marriage payments, as well as for milk and butter.

      Despite their small size, traditional Ambo groups exhibited typical characteristics of African centralized states: the above-mentioned priest-king, official tax collectors, a queen mother of great prestige, a hereditary aristocracy, and slaves.

      Descent is matrilineal, and polygyny is practiced. The first wife enjoys seniority, but each has her own hut, a circular structure of wattle and daub with a thatched, conical roof. Family compounds, which contain only a nuclear family (parents and dependent children), are grouped around a central meeting place, in which is found a chief 's hut or a council house containing a sacred fire tended by the principal wife or daughter of the local chief. It cannot be used for cooking (except for the meal of a departing warrior) or for warmth; it is a symbol of the community, and its extinction is regarded as an omen of impending destruction. Local chiefs and headmen light their sacred fires from those of their superiors.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Ambo — • A word of Greek origin, supposed to signify a mountain or elevation Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ambo     Ambo     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ambo — may refer to:* Ambo, Ethiopia ** Ambo (woreda), the woreda of the Ethiopian town * Ambo, an abbreviation for ambulance. * Ambo (liturgy), the elevated walkway in front of the Iconostasis * Kom Ombo or la. Ambo , a town in Egypt known for its… …   Wikipedia

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  • Ambo — Am bo, n.; pl. {Ambos}. [LL. ambo, Gr. ?, any rising, a raised stage, pulpit: cf. F. ambon.] A large pulpit or reading desk, in the early Christian churches. Gwilt. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ambo — agg. [dal lat. ambo ], invar., lett. [tutti e due, l uno e l altro] ▶◀ ambedue …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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