
/al"ni koh'/, n.
a permanent-magnet alloy having aluminum, nickel, and cobalt as its principal ingredients.

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      any member of a series of alloys used to make powerful permanent magnets. Primary constituents are aluminum, nickel, and cobalt in various proportions, with small amounts of one or more of the elements copper, iron, and titanium added; the titanium-containing material is sometimes referred to by the trade name Ticonal. These alloys are very hard and difficult to machine; they are usually cast into their final shape and then subjected to a strict regime of heat and magnetic-field treatment.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Alnico — is an acronymcite book title = The Insomniac s Dictionary edition = last = Hellweg first = Paul coauthors = year = 1986 publisher = Facts On File Publications id = 0 8160 1364 0 pages = 115] referring to alloys which are composed primarily of… …   Wikipedia

  • Alnico — sind Legierungen aus Eisen, Aluminium, Nickel, Kupfer und Cobalt. Aus Alnico werden Permanentmagnete durch Gusstechniken oder Sintern hergestellt. Die Remanenzflussdichte von etwa 0,6 T bis 1,3 T (6000 13000 Gauß) ist relativ hoch im Vergleich zu …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • alnico — ALNICÓ s.n. Aliaj de aluminiu, nichel şi cobalt. [< fr. alnico, cf. al(uminiu) + ni(chel) + co(balt)]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 27.10.2004. Sursa: DN  ALNICÓ s. n. aliaj de aluminiu, nichel şi cobalt. (< fr. alnico) Trimis de raduborza,… …   Dicționar Român

  • alnico — ● alnico nom masculin (de aluminium, nickel et cobalt) Alliage de fer, de nickel (15 à 25 %) et d aluminium (8 à 12 %), contenant des additions éventuelles de cobalt, de cuivre et de titane et utilisé pour réaliser des aimants permanents. alnico… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • alnico — s.m. TS metall. lega di alluminio, nichelio e cobalto usata per fabbricare magneti {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1955. ETIMO: comp. di Al, simb. dell alluminio, Ni, simb. del nichel e Co, simb. del cobalto …   Dizionario italiano

  • alnico — [al′ni kō΄] n. [ AL(UMINUM) + NI(CKEL) + CO(BALT)] any of various alloys of iron containing cobalt, nickel, aluminum, and occasionally copper, titanium, or niobium: used in making strong permanent magnets …   English World dictionary

  • Alnico® — /alˈni kō/ noun An alloy of iron, nickel, aluminium, cobalt and copper ORIGIN: aluminium, nickel and cobalt …   Useful english dictionary

  • Alnico — L acronyme Alnico désigne une famille d alliages composés principalement d aluminium (Al), de nickel (Ni) et de cobalt (Co), d où il tire son nom[1]. À ces éléments chimiques peuvent s ajouter du fer (Fe), du cuivre (Cu) et parfois du titane (Ti) …   Wikipédia en Français

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