
/al"myooh kan'teuhr/, n. Astron.
a circle on the celestial sphere parallel to the horizon; the locus of all points of a given altitude. Also called parallel of altitude.
[1350-1400; prob. < ML almucantarath < Ar al-muqantarat the almucantars, equiv. to al the + muquantarat sundial, deriv. of qantarah arch; r. almicanter, ME almicanteras (pl.) < MF almicantarath < ML]

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      in astronomy, any circle of the celestial sphere parallel to the horizon; when two objects are on the same almucantar, they have the same altitude. The term also refers to instruments of a pattern invented by the U.S. astronomer Seth Carlo Chandler (Chandler, Seth Carlo) for determining latitude or time by observing the times of transit of stars across a fixed almucantar.

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Universalium. 2010.

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