Alexander VII

Alexander VII
(Fabio Chigi) 1599-1667, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 1655-67.

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original name  Fabio Chigi  
born Feb. 13, 1599, Siena, Republic of Florence
died May 22, 1667, Rome

      pope from 1655 to 1667.

      Grandnephew of Pope Paul V, Chigi served the church as vice legate at Ferrara and as nuncio at Cologne (163951). During the negotiations leading to the Peace of Westphalia (Westphalia, Peace of) (1648), he refused to deliberate with the Protestant heretics and urged the Catholic princes not to sacrifice the rights of the church. The princes, however, were tired of war and, despite his admonition, yielded to France and the Protestants. Secretary of state to Pope Innocent X in 1651 and made cardinal in 1652, Chigi was elected pope on April 7. His pontificate was marked by several disputes; he confirmed the condemnation of Jansenism but supported the Jesuits, allowing them to use Chinese rites for their mission work in China.

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  • Pope Alexander VII —     Pope Alexander VII     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Alexander VII     Fabio Chigi, born at Sienna, 13 February, 1599; elected 7 April, 1655; died at Rome, 22 May, 1667. The Chigi of Sienna were among the most illustrious and powerful of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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