air sac

air sac
1. a sac containing air.
2. alveolus (def. 2).
3. any of certain cavities in a bird's body connected with the lungs.
4. a saclike dilation of the wall of a trachea in many insects.

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      any of the air-filled extensions of the breathing apparatus of many animals. Air sacs are found as tiny sacs off the larger breathing tubes (tracheae) of insects, as extensions of the lungs in birds, and as end organs in the lungs of certain other vertebrates. They serve to increase respiratory efficiency by providing a large surface area for gas exchange. See also pulmonary alveolus.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Air sac — 1. (Anat.) One of the spaces in different parts of the bodies of birds, which are filled with air and connected with the air passages of the lungs; an air cell. [1913 Webster] 2. An {alveolus}. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • air sac — air′ sac n. 1) anat. alveolus 2) 2) orn any of certain cavities in a bird s body connected with the lungs • Etymology: 1820–30 …   From formal English to slang

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  • air sac — /ˈɛə sæk/ (say air sak) noun 1. a sac containing air. 2. any of certain cavities in a bird s body connected with the lungs. 3. a saclike dilatation of an insect trachea …  

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