
/ayd"deuh kamp"/, n., pl. aides-de-camp.
a subordinate military or naval officer acting as a confidential assistant to a superior, usually to a general officer or admiral.
[1660-70; < F: lit., camp helper; see AID, DE, CAMP]

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Officer on the personal staff of a general, admiral, or other high-ranking commander who acts as a confidential secretary.

Today they are usually of junior rank, and their duties are largely social. The term also denotes a high-ranking military officer who acts as an aide to a chief of state.

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military official
      (French:camp assistant”), an officer on the personal staff of a general, admiral, or other high-ranking commander who acts as his confidential secretary in routine matters. On Napoleon's (Napoleon I) staff such officers were frequently of high military qualifications and acted both as hiseyesand as interpreters of his mind to subordinate commanders, even on occasion exercising delegated authority. In modern times aides-de-camp are usually of junior rank and their duties largely social. Military, naval, and air force officers, frequently of high rank, who act as aides to chiefs of state, such as kings or presidents, are also called aides-de-camp. In many countries, the word adjutant is used for aide-de-camp and adjutant general for a royal aide-de-camp.

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