
/ag"reuh moh'nee/, n., pl. agrimonies.
1. any plant belonging to the genus Agrimonia, of the rose family, esp. the perennial A. eupatoria, having pinnate leaves and small, yellow flowers.
2. any of certain other plants, as hemp agrimony or bur marigold.
[1350-1400; late ME < L agrimonia, metathetic var. (perh. by assoc. with ager field) of argemonia < Gk argemóne poppy; r. ME egremoyne < MF aigremoine < L, as above]

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Any plant of the genus Agrimonia, of the rose family, especially A. eupatoria.

This species is a herbaceous, hardy perennial native to Europe but widespread in other northern temperate regions, where it grows in hedge banks and the borders of fields. Its leaves yield a yellow dye. The leaflets are oval with toothed margins; the small, stalkless yellow flowers are borne in a long terminal spike. The fruit is a tiny burr. A. gryposepala, a similar species, is widespread in the U.S.

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 any plant of the genus Agrimonia, of the rose family (Rosaceae). The name particularly denotes A. eupatoria, an herbaceous, hardy perennial that is native to Europe but is widespread in other northern temperate regions, where it grows in hedge banks and the borders of fields. A. eupatoria grows to about 120 cm (4 feet) tall and has alternate feather-formed leaves that yield a yellow dye. The oval leaflets, about 26 cm (0.82.4 inches) long, have toothed margins. The small, stalkless yellow flowers are borne in a long terminal spike. The fruit is a bur about 0.6 cm in diameter and bears a number of hooks that enable it to cling easily to clothing or the coat of an animal. A. gryposepala, a similar species, is widespread in the United States.

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