
/ay"jeuhn tiv/, adj. Gram.
1. pertaining to, or productive of, a form that indicates an agent or agency.
2. (in case grammar) pertaining to the semantic role or case of a noun phrase that indicates the volitional or primary causer of the action expressed by a verb.
3. an agentive word or suffix.
4. the agentive case.

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  • agentive — [ā′jən tiv] adj. [ AGENT + IVE, modeled on GENITIVE] Gram. of or producing a grammatical form that denotes the doer of a given action or the means of bringing about a given result n. an agentive form or affix, as the suffix ER in roller agentival …   English World dictionary

  • agentive — a•gen•tive [[t]ˈeɪ dʒən tɪv[/t]] adj. 1) gram. of or designating a linguistic form or case that indicates the doer or causer of an action 2) gram. an agentive word or suffix, as the suffix er in painter[/ex] 3) cvb gram. the agentive case …   From formal English to slang

  • agentive — /ˈeɪdʒəntɪv/ (say ayjuhntiv) adjective 1. relating to, or productive of, a form which indicates agent or agency; ergative. –noun 2. an agentive element or formation, as English er in painter …  

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  • Agentive ending — An agentive ending in the English language is the use of the suffix er , or , ist , or ian at the end of a verb in order to create a noun meaning someone or something that does the action the verb describes. Examples include provider (from… …   Wikipedia

  • agentive case —    Aui ia.    ♦ The common agentive preposition is e. (Gram. 9.9.) …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • agentive — 1. adjective a) Indicating an agent or agency (as er in lexicographer). b) Pertaining to a grammatical agent that performs the action of the verb. 2. noun A word having this construction …   Wiktionary

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