
/ay"jeuhnt/, n.
1. a person or business authorized to act on another's behalf: Our agent in Hong Kong will ship the merchandise. A best-selling author needs a good agent.
2. a person or thing that acts or has the power to act.
3. a natural force or object producing or used for obtaining specific results: Many insects are agents of fertilization.
4. an active cause; an efficient cause.
5. a person who works for or manages an agency.
6. a person who acts in an official capacity for a government or private agency, as a guard, detective, or spy: an FBI agent; the secret agents of a foreign power.
7. a person responsible for a particular action: Who was the agent of this deed?
8. Gram. a form or construction, usually a noun or noun phrase, denoting an animate being that performs or causes the action expressed by the verb, as the police in The car was found by the police.
9. See Indian agent.
10. a representative of a business firm, esp. a traveling salesperson; canvasser; solicitor.
11. Chem. a substance that causes a reaction.
12. Pharm. a drug or chemical capable of eliciting a biological response.
13. Pathol. any microorganism capable of causing disease.
14. Brit. a campaign manager; an election agent.
15. acting; exerting power (opposed to patient).
16. to represent (a person or thing) as an agent; act as an agent for: to agent a manuscript; Who agented that deal?
[1570-80; < L agent- (s. of agens (prp.) doing), equiv. to ag- (root of agere to do) + -ent- -ENT]
Syn. 1. representative, deputy. 3. means.

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also called  softbot (“software robot”) 

      a computer program that performs various actions continuously and autonomously on behalf of an individual or an organization. For example, an agent may archive various computer files or retrieve electronic messages on a regular schedule. Such simple tasks barely begin to tap the potential uses of agents, however. This is because an intelligent agent can observe the behaviour patterns of its users and learn to anticipate their needs, or at least their repetitive actions. Such intelligent agents frequently rely on techniques from other fields of artificial intelligence, such as expert systems (expert system) and neural networks (neural network).

      Intelligent agents possess, to varying degrees, autonomy, mobility, a symbolic model of reality, a capacity to learn from experience, and an ability to cooperate with other agents and systems. An intelligent agent is most frequently classified by the role that it performs. For example, interface agents such as Microsoft's Office Assistant monitor the user'sdesktopactions and offer advice. Thus far, however, the most useful agents have been developed for Internet assistance. For example, Brewster Kahle, the inventor of the Wide Area Information Server (WAIS) for indexing Web sites, created Alexa, an Internet agent that monitors a user's pattern of Websurfingand suggests other sites of possible interest. Chatterbots, another type of Internet agent, provide assistance to Web site visitors by conducting a dialogue with them to determine their needs and to service their more routine requests.

      Mobile agents are expected to become particularly useful in gathering informationfrom Internet articles and academic research papers to electronic newspapers, magazines, and booksto match a user's interests. Simple agents have also been used to facilitate trading on eBay, an electronic auction site, as well as on various electronic exchanges. Elaborate multi-agent systems, or communities, are being constructed in which agents meet and represent the interests of their principals in negotiations or collaborations. In addition to agent-only electronic marketplaces, collaborative projects, in which each agent provides some portion of the necessary information, are under development.

Vladimir Zwass

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Universalium. 2010.

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