
/annzheu ne"/, n.
an ancient region of SW France.
Also, Agenois /annzheu nwann"/.

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Historical region, southwestern France.

In ancient Gaul, Agenais was the country of the Nitrobriges, then a Gallo-Roman civitas, whose limits became those of the diocese of Agen. It was acquired by the dukes of Aquitaine in 1036. When Eleanor of Aquitaine married the future Henry II of England in 1152, Agenais became the possession of the English kings. It alternated between French and British rule until it was reunited to the French crown in 1615.

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historical region, France
also spelled  Agenois 

      former province of France, of which Agen was the centre and to which the modern département of Lot-et-Garonne nearly corresponds.

      In ancient Gaul, Agenais was the country of the Nitiobriges, then a Gallo-Roman civitas, whose limits became those of the diocese of Agen. Having in general shared the fortunes of Aquitaine during the Merovingian and Carolingian periods, Agenais eventually became a hereditary countship. From the middle of the 10th century it was part of the demesne of the counts of Bordeaux, dukes of Gascony, from whom it passed in 1036 to Eudes of Poitiers, later Duke of Aquitaine. After Eleanor of Aquitaine married Henry Plantagenet (later Henry II of England) in 1152, Agenais became the possession of the English kings; it later reverted to the personal possession of the French crown (1249), but the English king Edward I recovered it by the Treaty of Amiens (1279). Thegeneral court of Agenais,” first attested in the late 12th century, was one of the earliest representative institutions of the European Middle Ages.

      The English and French kings alternately controlled Agenais during the Hundred Years' War (13371453) until the final retreat of the English gave the province to the French crown. In 1578 the countship was given to Margaret of France (Margaret Of Valois) (Marguerite de Valois) in part settlement of the dowry due on her marriage to Henry of Navarre (the future Henry IV of France). On her death (1615) it was finally reunited to the French crown. In the last years of the ancien régime, Agenais was a sénéchaussée within the gouvernement of Guyenne and the intendance of Bordeaux.

      Since the late Middle Ages the country has been agriculturally rich, subject, however, to alternating phases of depopulation and immigration.

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