Aga Khan III

Aga Khan III
1877-1957, leader of the Isma'ili sect of Muslims in India 1885-1957.

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Nizārī imam
personal name  Sultan Sir Moḥammed Shah 
born November 2, 1877, Karachi, India [now in Pakistan]
died July 11, 1957, Versoix, Switzerland

      only son of the Aga Khan II. He succeeded his father as imam (leader) of the Nizārī Ismāʿīlī (Ismāʿīlīte) sect in 1885.

 Under the care of his mother, who was born into the ruling house of Iran, he was given an education that was not only Islamic and Oriental but also Western. In addition to attending diligently to the affairs of his own community, he rapidly acquired a leading position among India's Muslims as a whole. In 1906 he headed the Muslim deputation to the British viceroy, Lord Minto (Minto, Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 1st earl of, Viscount Melgund Of Melgund), to promote the interests of the Muslim minority in India. The Morley-Minto reforms of 1909 consequently provided for separate Muslim electorates. The Aga Khan served as president of the All-India Muslim League during its early years and initiated the fund for raising the Muslim college at Aligarh to university status, which was effected in 1920.

      When World War I (191418) broke out, the Aga Khan supported the Allied cause, but at the subsequent peace conference he urged that the Ottoman Empire (and its successor state, Turkey) should be leniently treated. He played an important part in the Round Table Conference on Indian constitutional reform in London (193032). He also represented India at the World Disarmament Conference in Geneva in 1932 and at the League of Nations (Nations, League of) Assembly in 1932 and from 1934 to 1937. He was appointed president of the League in 1937. During World War II (193945) he lived in Switzerland and withdrew from political activity.

      The Aga Khan was also well-known as a successful owner and breeder of Thoroughbred racehorses.

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