
/ah'gah dear"/, n.
a seaport in SW Morocco: destroyed by earthquake in 1960; new town rebuilt S of original site. 1,220,600.

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Seaport city (pop., 1994: 155,240), southwestern Morocco on the Atlantic coast.

It was occupied in the 16th century by the Portuguese but later became an independent Moroccan port. After the 1911 Moroccan Crisis, it was occupied by French troops in 1913. Modern growth began with the port's construction in 1914 and the development of the fishing industry. In 1960 the city was virtually destroyed by a pair of earthquakes, a tidal wave, and a fire; a new city centre was rebuilt south of its original location. It is also a marketplace for the surrounding agricultural area.

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      city, Atlantic port, southwestern Morocco. The city lies 6 miles (10 km) north of the mouth of the Sous valley. Possibly the site of the ancient Roman Portus Risadir, the city was occupied by the Portuguese from 1505 to 1541, when it fell to the Saʿdī sultanate.

      After the Moroccan Crisis of 1911, when the German gunboat Panther appeared offshoreto protect German interests,” the city was occupied by French troops (1913). (See Moroccan crises.) Modern growth began with the construction of the port (1914), development of the Sous plain, exploitation of inland mineral resources, and the fishing and fish-canning industries. In 1960 the city was virtually destroyed by two earthquakes, a tidal wave, and fire, which killed about 12,000 people. A new central city was built to the south of the old town. The city is linked by road with Safi and Marrakech; it also has an international airport.

      The region that surrounds Agadir is composed of the plain of the east-westtrending Sous valley, which itself is enclosed between the High Atlas (Haut Atlas) and Anti-Atlas mountains. Cereals (primarily barley), citrus fruits, olives, sheep, goats, and cattle are raised on the irrigated Sous plain, and sheep and goats are grazed in the mountains. Pop. (2004) 678,596.

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