- aerosol
/air"euh sawl', -sol'/, n.1. Physical Chem. a system of colloidal particles dispersed in a gas; smoke or fog.2. a liquid substance, as a disinfectant or deodorant, sealed in a metal container under pressure with an inert gas or other activating agent and released as a spray or foam through a push-button valve or nozzle: an aerosol for cleaning ovens.adj.4. of or containing a liquid or gas under pressure for dispensing as a spray or foam: a deodorant available in aerosol cans.[1920-25; AERO- + SOL4]
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System of tiny liquid or solid particles evenly distributed in a finely divided state through a gas, usually air.Aerosol particles participate in chemical processes and influence the electrical properties of the atmosphere. Though true aerosol particles range in diameter from a few nanometres to about one micrometre, the term is commonly used to refer to fog or cloud droplets and dust particles, which can have diameters of more than 100 micrometres. See also colloid; emulsion.* * *
▪ physicsa system of liquid or solid particles uniformly distributed in a finely divided state through a gas, usually air. Aerosol particles play an important role in the precipitation process, providing the nuclei upon which condensation and freezing take place. They participate in chemical processes and influence the electrical properties of the atmosphere.True aerosol particles range in diameter from a few millimicrometres to about 1 micrometre (equal to 10-4 cm). When smaller particles are in suspension, the system begins to acquire the properties of a true solution; for larger particles, the settling rate is usually so rapid that the system cannot properly be called a true aerosol. Nevertheless, the term is commonly employed, especially in the case of fog or cloud droplets and dust particles, which can have diameters of over 100 micrometres.In general, aerosols composed of particles larger than about 50 micrometres are unstable unless the air turbulence is extreme, as in a severe thunderstorm. Particles with a diameter of less than 0.1 micrometre are sometimes referred to as Aitken nuclei.* * *
Universalium. 2010.