- aerial
—aerially, adv. —aerialness, n.adj. /air"ee euhl, ay ear"ee euhl/; n. /air"ee euhl/, adj.1. of, in, or produced by the air: aerial currents.2. inhabiting or frequenting the air: aerial creatures.3. operating on a track or cable elevated above the ground: an aerial ski lift up the mountainside.4. reaching far into the air; high; lofty: aerial spires.5. partaking of the nature of air; airy.6. unsubstantial; visionary: aerial fancies.7. having a light and graceful beauty; ethereal: aerial music.8. Biol. growing in the air, as the adventitious roots of some trees.9. pertaining to or used for, against, or in aircraft.10. supplied or performed by means of aircraft: aerial support; aerial reconnaissance.n.11. a radio or television antenna.[1595-1605; 1900-05 for def. 11; < L aeri(us) of the air ( < Gk aérios, equiv. to aer- (s. of aér AIR1) + -ios adj. suffix) + -AL1]
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Universalium. 2010.