
/al"frik/, n. ("AElfric Grammaticus"; "AElfric the Grammarian")
A.D. c955-c1020, English abbot and writer.

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Anglo-Saxon scholar
flourished c. 955c. 1025, probably Eynsham, Oxfordshire, Eng.

      Anglo-Saxon prose writer, considered the greatest of his time. He wrote both to instruct the monks and to spread the learning of the 10th-century monastic revival. His Catholic Homilies, written in 990992, provided orthodox sermons, based on the Church Fathers. Author of a Latin grammar, hence his nickname Grammaticus, he also wrote Lives of the Saints, Heptateuch (a vernacular language version of the first seven books of the Bible), as well as letters and various treatises.

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Universalium. 2010.

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