
/ad"it/, n.
1. an entrance or a passage.
2. Also called entry. Mining. a nearly horizontal passage leading into a mine.
3. an approach or access.
[1595-1605; < L aditus an approach, equiv. to ad- AD- + -i- (s. of ire to go) + -tus suffix of v. action]

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 a horizontal or near-horizontal passage (tunnels and underground excavations) driven from the Earth's surface into the side of a ridge or mountain for the purpose of working, ventilating, or removing water from a mine.

      Where either a vertical shaft or an adit can be used to reach a mineral deposit, the generally lower cost of driving an adit, the saving in the cost of pumping water, and the ease of hoisting ore through the shaft dictate in favour of the adit. Consequently, adits as long as one to three kilometres (one or two miles) are often economically feasible.

      The size and cross section of an adit depend upon its use, with a horseshoe shape especially common. The walls may be of the natural rough rock or may be lined with concrete, wood, or steel.

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  • Adit — Ad it, n. [L. aditus, fr. adire, ?aitum, to go to; ad + ire to go.] 1. An entrance or passage. Specifically: The nearly horizontal opening by which a mine is entered, or by which water and ores are carried away; called also {drift} and {tunnel}.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • adit — noun /ˈædɪt/ A horizontal or nearly horizontal passage from the surface into a mine as contrasted to a shaft which is a vertical entry passage. An adit may be used for ventilation, haulage, drainage, or other purposes. The Old Mine is currently… …   Wiktionary

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