acorn worm

acorn worm
any of several burrowing, often brilliantly colored hemichordates of the class Enteropneusta, usually found in intertidal sand and mud, having an acorn-shaped proboscis and collar.
Also, acornworm.

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also called  enteropneust,  
 any of the soft-bodied invertebrates of the class Enteropneusta, phylum Hemichordata. The front end of these animals is shaped like an acorn, hence their common name. Theacornconsists of a muscular proboscis and a collar that may be used to burrow into soft sand or mud. The animals vary in length from about 5 cm (about 2 inches) in certain Saccoglossus species to more than 180 cm (about 6 feet) in Balanoglossus gigas. About 70 species have been described.

      Acorn worms live along the seashore and in water to depths of more than 3,200 m (10,500 feet). Most live in U-shaped burrows, but some deepwater species swim freely over the bottom. Many species filter food from seawater that passes into the mouth and out through gill slits in the pharynx, whereas other species ingest sediment in a manner similar to that of earthworms. Some species secrete a slime that is swept into the mouth by cilia, or tiny hairs, carrying food particles with it.

      Acorn worms have separate sexes. Paired gonads are located next to the gills, which lie in thetrunkof the animal, behind the collar. Females of some species lay a few large eggs with much yolk; others lay many small eggs with little yolk. The eggs of some species hatch into miniature acorn worms; others hatch into swimming juvenile forms called tornaria larvae. Tornaria larvae eventually metamorphose into young worms.

      Acorn worms appear to be closely related to early chordates (chordate).

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