
/ay"sis/, n. Class. Myth.
the lover of Galatea, killed by Polyphemus out of jealousy.

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      in the Greek mythology of Ovid, the son of Faunus (Pan) and the nymph Symaethis. He was a beautiful shepherd of Sicily, the lover of the Nereid Galatea. His rival, Polyphemus the Cyclops, surprised them together and crushed him to pieces with a rock. His blood, gushing forth from beneath, was metamorphosed by Galatea into a river bearing his name, Acis or Acinius, at the base of Mount Etna (the modern river Jaci). The story is known in no other extant source but Book XIV of Ovid's Metamorphoses. A number of Sicilian towns, including Acireale and Aci Catena, are named after him.

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