Watling Street

Watling Street
a road in England, originally built by the Romans and still in use today under various different names. It runs from Dover, on the south-east coast of England, through London and St Albans to Wroxeter, a small town in Shropshire. Its name comes from the Anglo-Saxon name for St Albans.

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Ancient Roman road in Britain.

Extending from London to Wroxeter, it was one of the great arterial roads of Roman Britain. In the 9th century it divided Mercia. Later the name was applied to other main roads, including the London-Dover road that ran through Canterbury.

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Roman road, United Kingdom
      Roman (ancient Rome) road in England that ran from Dover west-northwest to London and thence northwest via St. Albans (Saint Albans) (Verulamium) to Wroxeter (Ouirokónion, or Viroconium). It was one of Britain's greatest arterial roads of the Roman and post-Roman periods. The name came from a group of Anglo-Saxon settlers who called Verulamium by the name of Wætlingaceaster. This local name passed to the whole of the Roman road (Wæclinga stræt) by the 9th century. The tendency to give the name to other main roads is postmedieval and is often mere antiquarianism.

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  • Watling Street — is the name given to an ancient trackway in England and Wales that was first used by the Celts mainly between the modern cities of Canterbury and St Albans. The Romans later paved the route, part of which is identified on the Antonine Itinerary… …   Wikipedia

  • Watling Street — bei Richborough Watling Street war eine Römerstraße in Britannien, die von Dover an der Südostküste Englands über Canterbury, London, Northampton und Birmingham nach allgemeiner Annahme nach Viroconium (heute Wroxeter …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Watling Street — /wotˈling strēt/ noun 1. One of the great Roman highways of Britain, running from near London through St Albans to Wroxeter 2. Often extended at either end to include the roads to Dover and Chester 3. Loosely applied to other Roman roads 4. The… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Watling Street — (spr. ŭóttling ßtrīt), alte Römerstraße in England, die von Richborough (Rutupiae) bei Sandwich über Canterbury und Rochester nach London führte, wo ein Gäßchen in der City ihren Namen trägt, und dann über St. Albans nach Wall bei Lichfield. Hier …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • Watling Street — Wat|ling Street a long Roman road that started in Dover in the southeast of England, passed through London, and then went northwest to end near the modern town of Shrewsbury …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • watling-street — n. Verlam street …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • Watling Street — Antiguo camino romano en Gran Bretaña. Se extiende desde Londres hasta Wroxeter y fue una de las grandes rutas arteriales de Gran Bretaña en tiempos romanos. En el s. IX dividía Mercia. Más tarde, se le dio su nombre a otros caminos importantes,… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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