War Powers Act

War Powers Act
a US law passed in 1973 which allows Congress to limit the Presidents use of military forces. It states that the President must tell Congress within 48 hours if he sends armed forces anywhere, and Congress must give approval for them to stay there for more than 90 days. The Act was passed in spite of a veto (= refusal to sign a law) by President Richard Nixon.

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(Nov. 7, 1973) Law passed by the U.S. Congress over the veto of Pres.

Richard Nixon. The act restrained the president's ability to commit U.S. forces overseas by requiring the executive branch to consult with and report to Congress before involving U.S. forces in foreign hostilities. Widely considered a measure for preventing "future Vietnams," it was nonetheless resisted or ignored by subsequent presidents, most of whom regarded it as an unconstitutional usurpation of their executive authority.

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