Scottish law

Scottish law
note at legal system.

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Legal practices and institutions of Scotland.

When the English and Scottish parliaments were joined in 1707, the legal systems of the two countries were very dissimilar. Scotland had supplemented its customary law with civil-law principles adapted from the systems of France and Holland. Its assimilation of English law following the union was significant, particularly in the area of mercantile law. The supreme Scottish civil court is the Court of Sessions, composed of 18 judges and divided into Outer and Inner houses. The supreme criminal court is the High Court of Justiciary. Below these two bodies are six sheriffdoms, each with its own sheriff court, an institution of great antiquity. Lesser cases are heard by district courts.

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      the legal practices and institutions of Scotland.

      At the union of the parliaments of England and Scotland in 1707, the legal systems of the two countries were very dissimilar. Scotland, mainly in the preceding century, had adopted as a guide much of the Roman law that had been developed by the jurists of Holland and France. But it is a fallacy to suppose that the law of Scotland is founded on the law of Rome: the Scots only turned to Roman, or civil, law when there was a gap in their own common or customary law. There is, however, a considerable infusion of civil law, not least in legal nomenclature and in the emphasis on principle rather than precedent. Perhaps the most important distinction is that Scotland, unlike England, did not separate the administration of equity and law. The Scottish conception of equity differs from the English system, which is parallel to the common law. The Scottish conception instead consists of a few fairly simple rules aimed at supplementing the law in order to prevent hardship. It also relegates certain remedies to the class of equitable remedies, of which the court has a large discretion to grant or withhold. The word equity in the law of Scotland has always retained its original meaning. The Scottish outlook upon this whole topic places Scots law clearly alongside the continental civil law and not the English system.

Historical development of Scots law
      The period following the union has been characterized by the merging of Scots and English law. One main cause of the merger is that much of the existing law of Scotland depends on statutes applicable to both countries. The House of Lords, consisting in its legal aspect until 1876 exclusively of English lawyers acting as the supreme court of appeal from Scotland, had a tendency to apply English law in Scottish appeals, and, in some cases, it ignored the distinction between its legislative and judicial functions. Another reason for the merging of systems is the influence of Scottish legal text writers, some of whom have tended to treat English law as though it were the law of their own country. The citation of English authorities in court has also had considerable effect.

      Not surprisingly the most complete merger of the systems has occurred in the field of mercantile law. In other fields the systems are still widely separated.

Courts of law
      The system of Scottish courts is completely different from that of the English and again is closer to the continental pattern. The supreme Scottish court (the House of Lords not being a native court) is the Court of Session, instituted by King James V in 1532, probably upon a French model. The court has two main functions. It has original jurisdiction in a very wide range of cases, which is exclusive in a few matters; in its appellate capacity it hears appeals (by reclaiming petition) from the nine Court of Session courts of first instance (called compendiously the Outer House), each presided over by a lord ordinary, and also from the sheriff courts. The appellate court (Inner House) sits in two divisions, the first and second, presided over, respectively, by the lord president of the Court of Session and the lord justice clerk. All the judges have the courtesy title oflordbut are not on that account peers.

      While the judges of the Court of Session are traditionally judges of both fact and law, in the early 19th century the civil jury was introduced, less because it was wanted in Scotland than because the House of Lords was weary of the great number of appeals it had to hear. Because the decision of a jury cannot in the ordinary sense be appealed, the House of Lords determined that caseloads would be drastically reduced by the change. From the Inner House appeal lies in many cases to the House of Lords by right and not, as in England, by leave. The right of audience in the Court of Session is possessed exclusively by members of the Faculty of Advocates (the Scottish Bar).

      The lower civil court is the sheriff court, which is an ancient court dating back to the 12th century. Scotland is divided into several sheriffdoms, each staffed by a sheriff-principal and a number of full-time sheriffs. Courts are held regularly in all the major towns of each sheriffdom. Sheriff courts have both civil and criminal jurisdiction. In civil cases, the sheriff normally makes decisions alone, although sometimes he is assisted by a jury of seven. In criminal cases, the accused is tried summarily or with a jury of 15. In civil jurisdiction appeal lies to the sheriff-principal and then to the Court of Session, or directly to the Court of Session; in criminal jurisdiction it lies to the High Court of Justiciary.

      In addition to the sheriff court, there is the Summary Court, which hears minor pecuniary claims.

      The Court of Session has absorbed the functions of certain ancient courtsthe Court of Exchequer, the Admiralty Court, the Teind (or Tithe) Court, and the Commissary Courtwhich formerly dealt with questions of marriage law and executry, while the judges have by statute been given separate duties in a Lands Valuation Appeal Court, a Registration Appeal Court, and an Election Petition Court.

      The Scottish Land Court, established in 1911, has jurisdiction in a wide range of matters relating to agriculture. Disputes between landlords and tenants of agricultural holdings may be brought before it by judicial process or, by agreement of the parties, in lieu of arbitration. It also deals with questions referred to it by the secretary of state for Scotland.

Andrew Dewar Gibb James Irvine Smith Ed.

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