
(1938– )
an English actor who first became well known playing the part of Emma Peel in the television series The Avengers (19658). She also worked with the Royal Shakespeare Company (195964) and has appeared in many films. More recent stage work has included Medea and Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. She was made a dame(2) in 1994.

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  • Rigg — Rịgg 〈n. 15; Mar.〉 Masten u. Takelung (eines Schiffes); oV Riggung [engl.] * * * Rịgg, das; s, s [engl. rig(ging), zu: to rig = auftakeln] (Seemannsspr.): gesamte Takelung eines Schiffes; Segel (beim Windsurfing). * * * Rigg   [englisch rig( …   Universal-Lexikon

  • rigg — Cleveland Dialect List the ridge of any object: Ah ll lig thee on tha rigg (back) …   English dialects glossary

  • Rigg (Saw) — Rigg is a fictional character from the Saw film series, who first appeared as a minor character in Saw II , and later became one of the Jigsaw Killer s primary targets in Saw IV . He is portrayed by Lyriq Bent.Appearancesaw IIRigg first appeared… …   Wikipedia

  • Rigg (surname) — Rigg is a surname, and may refer to* [http://www.bryanrigg.com/ Bryan Mark Rigg] , historian of the Second World War and author of Hitler s Jewish Soldiers * Diana Rigg (1938 ndash; ), English actress * James Harrison Rigg (1821 ndash; 1909),… …   Wikipedia

  • Rigg Kennedy — is an American character actor.Kennedy s career began in theater and episodic television, including appearances in The Fall Guy, Big Bad Beetleborgs/Beetleborgs Metallix, Matt Houston and Days of Our Lives. His film work includes roles in Rod… …   Wikipedia

  • Rigg, Dame Diana — ▪ British actress born July 20, 1938, Doncaster, Yorkshire, Eng.       classically trained English stage actress who gained worldwide fame during the 1960s in the television series The Avengers.       The daughter of a government railway… …   Universalium

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