Just So Stories

Just So Stories
a collection of stories and poems for children by Rudyard Kipling, published in 1902. They give funny explanations for the features of different animals, and have titles such asHow the Elephant got his TrunkandHow the Camel got his Hump’.

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  • Just So Stories — [Just So Stories] a collection of stories and poems for children by Rudyard Kipling, published in 1902. They give funny explanations for the features of different animals, and have titles such as ‘How the Elephant got his Trunk’ and ‘How the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Just So Stories — See also Just so story for anthropological sense The Just So Stories for Little Children were written by British author Rudyard Kipling. They are highly fantasized origin stories and are among Kipling s best known works. DescriptionThe stories,… …   Wikipedia

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  • Just So Songs — is a collection of twelve poems from Rudyard Kipling s Just So Stories set to music by Sir Edward German in 1903. It consists of musical settings for voice and piano of When the Cabin port holes , The Camel s Hump , This Uninhabited Island , I… …   Wikipedia

  • Just-so story — A just so story, also called the ad hoc fallacy, is a term used in academic anthropology, biological sciences, and social sciences. It describes an unverifiable and unfalsifiable narrative explanation for a cultural practice or a biological trait …   Wikipedia

  • Just-so story — Dans l étude de l évolution biologique, les just so stories (histoires ad hoc ou histoires comme ça) sont des explications peu convaincantes de l origine évolutionnaire d un trait (comme un organe ou un comportement). Cette expression est souvent …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Just So (musical) — Infobox Musical name= Just So subtitle= caption= music= George Stiles lyrics= Anthony Drewe book= Anthony Drewe George Stiles basis= productions= 1984 Newbury 1998 Goodspeed Opera House 2000 North Shore Music Theatre 2005 Chichester Theatre… …   Wikipedia

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