Colorado River

Colorado River
1. a major US river that runs through the Grand Canyon. It begins in the Rocky Mountains in northern Colorado and flows 1 450 miles/2 333 kilometres to the Gulf of California. For 90 miles/145 kilometres it is in Mexico. See also Hoover Dam.
2. a US river in Texas that flows 894 miles/1 438 kilometres from the north-western part of the state to the Gulf of Mexico.

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River, North America.

Rising in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, U.S., it flows west and south 1,450 mi (2,330 km) to empty into the Gulf of California in northwestern Mexico. It drains a vast sector of the North American continent, about 246,000 sq mi (637,000 sq km). No other river in the world has cut so many deep trenches, of which the Grand Canyon is the largest and most spectacular. It is important for hydroelectric power and irrigation; more than 20 dams, including Hoover Dam, have been built on the Colorado River and its tributaries.
River, south-central Argentina.

Its major headstreams, the Grande and Barrancas rivers, flow southward from the Andes Mountains and meet to form the Colorado near the Chilean border. It flows southeastward across northern Patagonia and the southern Pampas. Its lower course splits into two arms that flow into the Atlantic Ocean south of Bahía Blanca. Its total length is about 530 mi (850 km).
River, western Texas, U.S. It flows southeast 862 mi (1,387 km) through prairie, hill, and canyon country past Austin and across the coastal plain to enter Matagorda Bay.

The river, the largest entirely within Texas, is the site of flood-control, power, irrigation, and recreational projects.

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Spanish  Río Colorado,  

      river in south-central Argentina. Its major headstreams, the Grande and Barrancas rivers, flow southward from the eastern flanks of the Andes and meet north of Buta Ranquil to form the Colorado. The river flows generally east-southeastward across the arid terrain of northern Patagonia and the southern Pampas and is a border for four provinces. Its lower course splits into two arms, which flow into the Atlantic Ocean south of Bahía Blanca. The total length of the Colorado is about 530 miles (850 km).

      river rising in western Texas, U.S., on the Llano Estacado (“Staked Plain”) in Dawson county, northeast of Lamesa. It flows generally southeastward past Colorado City, through rolling prairie and rugged hill and canyon country. By means of the Highland Lakes, six reservoirsBuchanan, Inks, Lyndon B. Johnson, Marble Falls, Travis, and Austinimpounded by as many dams, the river flows past Austin and across the Coastal Plain to enter Matagorda Bay (an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico (Mexico, Gulf of)) after a course of some 862 miles (1,387 km). The Colorado is the largest river lying entirely within Texas; it drains an area of about 39,900 square miles (103,350 square km) and receives several forks of the Concho River, the Pecan Bayou, and the San Saba, Llano, and Pedernales rivers. Its system of dams and reservoirs provides several important flood-control, power, irrigation, and recreational projects. Notable among the many recreational facilities is the Colorado River Trail, which links the various cultural and recreational features of 11 counties, from San Saba to Matagorda, that are joined by the river.

river, United States-Mexico
 major river of North America, rising in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, U.S., and flowing generally west and south for 1,450 miles (2,330 kilometres) into the Gulf of California (California, Gulf of) in northwestern Mexico. Its drainage basin covers 246,000 square miles (637,000 square kilometres) and includes parts of seven statesWyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and California. For 17 miles the river forms the international boundary between the U.S. state of Arizona and Mexico. The river drains a vast arid and semiarid sector of the North American continent, and because of its intensive development it is often referred to as theLifeline of the Southwest.”

Physical features

  For more than a thousand miles of its course, the Colorado has cut a deep gorge. Where the river system is joined by lateral streamsthe Virgin, Kanab, Paria, Escalante, Dirty Devil, and Green rivers from the west, and the Little Colorado, San Juan, Dolores, and Gunnison from the easta transverse system of narrow, winding deep canyons has been cut. Each entering river and each lateral creek has cut another canyon, and thus the upper and middle parts of the Colorado basin are traversed by a labyrinth of deep gorges. The longest of these unbroken trunk canyons through which the Colorado flows is the spectacular Grand Canyon, extending from the mouth of the Paria to the Grand Wash Stream. Other canyons cut by the river include Marble Canyon, Glen Canyon, and Cataract Canyon. Canyonlands National Park encompasses another of these regions at the juncture of the Green and Colorado rivers in southeastern Utah.

      Farther downstream the lower Colorado is flanked by two great deserts, the Mojave (Mojave Desert) and the Sonoran. In a subsection of the Sonoran Desert comprising the Colorado and Yuma deserts lies the Salton Trough (Salton Basin), a large structural depression extending to the northwest from the head of the Gulf of California for a distance of 150 miles. At one time the gulf extended farther to the northwest, above the point at which the Colorado now enters. As the river brought its load of silt from the mountains and hills above to the gulf, however, it gradually erected a vast natural dam, and the waters on the north were separated from those on the south. The Colorado then cut a channel into the lower gulf. The upper waters, cut off from the sea, gradually evaporated, forming a large area of desert land extending to about 235 feet below sea level.

      In 1905 floodwaters caused, about three miles south of the California-Mexico border, a break in diversion controls of the Imperial Canal. As a result, the waters of the Colorado rushed into the Salton Sink, creating the Salton Sea, about 70 feet deep, 50 miles long, and 10 to 15 miles wide, with a total water area of some 300 square miles. The break threatened to inundate the agriculturally rich Imperial Valley and to permanently block a major railroad route. Because of the imminent danger, the railroad repaired the break and in 1907 completed a line of protective levees. Today the Salton Sea acts as a receiving basin for wastewater from irrigation projects in the Imperial and Coachella valleys, which in turn receive their water from the Colorado via the All-American Canal.

Plant and animal life
      The Colorado River drainage area encompasses a wide range of natural environmentsfrom Alpine tundra and coniferous forests in its headwaters and upper elevations; through semiarid plateaus and canyons supporting piñon pine, juniper, and sagebrush; to the truly arid landscapes dotted with creosote bush and other desert plants in the lower basin and delta. The distribution of animals varies with these habitats. Large mammals such as the elk, mountain sheep, pronghorn, mule deer, mountain lion, bobcat, and coyote (and formerly the grizzly bear and gray wolf) occupy the middle and upper elevations. Beavers, muskrat, and birds, including the bald eagle, favour stream banks lined with willow, cottonwood, and tamarisk.

      Modern river development has radically disrupted native species and habitats in the Colorado basin. Accidentally introduced in the mid-19th century, the tamarisk shrub has spread rapidly along the river, consuming large amounts of water because of its deep-running roots and the high transpiration rate of its leaves. Large predators were systematically eliminated to support the ranching economy. River otters once flourished in the lower reaches. Four native fishes (the humpback chub, bonytail chub, Colorado squawfish, and razorback sucker), purposefully eradicated in the mid-20th century, subsequently have been protected at great expense under the Endangered Species Act.

History and economy

Early inhabitants
       Ute and Southern Paiute Indian (Native American) tribes, now living in reduced numbers on reservations, hunted and gathered in the plateaus and canyonlands of the upper Colorado basin for centuries. In the lower basin, the largest prehistoric canal irrigation system in the American West was built by the Hohokam (Hohokam culture) Indians on the Gila and Salt rivers. Yuman tribes practiced more extensive patterns of floodplain farming and hunting on the Colorado, which was too large and its flow too variable for canal irrigation. In the face of economic exploitation of the region by whites, and the resultant ecological changes, Indian groups have struggled to maintain vestiges of traditional lifeways with respect to the river.

Study and exploration (European exploration)
      The modern period began with Spanish exploration and settlement from the mid-16th century, which yielded brief descriptions of the Colorado but no permanent settlements such as those along the upper Rio Grande. Prior to the Civil War, American surveyors focused on routes, passes, and territorial boundaries. With the help of Indian scouts, they acquired enough information to map the river and its main tributaries. Mormons settled the Great Basin of Utah in 1847, moved quickly into tributary valleys of the Colorado in Utah and Arizona, and acquired knowledge that contributed to later scientific surveys.

      Inland-shipping entrepreneurs such as Joseph Christmas Ives assessed the navigability of the river as early as 1858. The federal government sponsored major scientific surveys in the 1870s. John Wesley Powell's (Powell, John Wesley) dangerous yet spectacular exploration of Colorado River canyons (1869 and 187172) was the most celebrated and the first to concentrate directly on the river. Powell's account combines vivid descriptions of geologic formations, rapids, and Indian cultures. George Wheeler's survey report of 1889 estimated the velocity and discharge of the river. After 1900, investigations would focus on issues of river development: flood control, irrigation, hydropower, and water supply.

Economic development
      In 1922 the Colorado River Compact was concluded by the seven states that constitute its drainage area to facilitate federal investment in dams and reclamation. The river was divided at Lees Ferry, Ariz., into the lower compact statesArizona, Nevada, and Californiaand the upper compact statesWyoming, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico; the total annual flow of the Colorado River was estimated to be 17 million acre-feet (the volume of area that would cover one acre to a depth of one foot) at Lees Ferry, of which 15 million acre-feet were equally, yet somewhat ambiguously, divided between the lower and the upper compact states. A treaty in 1944 allocated 1.5 million acre-feet of water per year to Mexico. It was later discovered that the initial estimate of Colorado River supplies was based upon an abnormally wet period and that substantially less water was available than the amounts specified in the agreements.

      The first major development of the Colorado began in 1928, when Congress passed the Boulder Canyon Project Act. The act authorized the construction of Boulder (now Hoover) Dam, a multipurpose water-storage project that was a major engineering feat of its time; since its completion in 1936, the dam and Lake Mead, which it created with its impounded waters, have become major tourist attractions. The Colorado River system thus was the first drainage basin in which the concept of the multipurpose dam was employede.g., for hydroelectric-power development, irrigation, recreation, flood control, and navigation.

      Many additional projects have since been undertaken. In the mid-1960s Glen Canyon Dam was completed, impounding Lake Powell. The dam was a controversial project: opposition to its construction helped shift policy from building large dams toward concepts of water management, environmental protection, and policy analysis. Three other large multiple-storage projects upstream have been completed on major tributaries. These are Flaming Gorge on the Green River in Wyoming and Utah, Aspinall (Curecanti) on the Gunnison River in Colorado, and the Navajo on the San Juan River in New Mexico and Colorado.

      Shortly after the completion of Hoover Dam, planning and construction began downstream on the Parker Dam. From Lake Havasu, the reservoir impounded by the dam, water is transported some 250 miles across California to supply a portion of the water needs for Los Angeles and most of the water supply for San Diego. Davis, Imperial, Laguna, and Morelos dams further regulate flow and diversion in the lower basin.

      The facilities described above do not serve all the demands for water from the Colorado. In 1945 the ColoradoBig Thompson Project, the first federal interbasin water-diversion project in the United States, was completed. Water was diverted by tunnel beneath the Continental Divide in Rocky Mountain National Park to help irrigate cropland in northern Colorado. Another large project, the Fryingpan-Arkansas, diverts water from Fryingpan River, a Colorado tributary, under the Sawatch Range of the Colorado Rockies and into the Arkansas River to supply water for the rapidly growing municipal areas of Pueblo and Colorado Springs. On the Blue River, another tributary, the city of Denver has built Dillon Reservoir, the water of which is piped beneath the Continental Divide to the large and growing Denver conurbation. Tunnel diversions also deliver water from the Colorado to the Rio Grande, Great Basin, and North Platte drainages.

      In 1963 a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court made explicit the amount of water apportioned among the lower-basin states, as well as the amounts that had been implicitlyreservedfor Indian tribes and federal public lands. This decision paved the way for funding of the Central Arizona Project (completed in the 1980s), which transferred water to the cities of Phoenix and Tucson. The project consists of a mountain tunnel through which water from the southern end of Lake Havasu is pumped up and into an aqueduct that flows southward to the two cities.

      Laced with innumerable dams, both large and small, that impound the total flow of the Colorado and by increasingly severe competition for whatever small quantities of water might remain, the basin remains fraught with litigation and controversy. Water projects must now undergo thorough environmental-impact studies in accordance with federal environmental protection legislation. Controversy between the United States and Mexico over the salinity of water delivered to Mexico was addressed in an international agreement in 1972, which led to desalinization experiments in the lower basin and irrigation management and projects for the disposal of saline water in the upper basin.

      To see the Colorado River where it empties into the Gulf of California in Mexico is to know that the river is over-apportioned. At this point the river is only a trickle, and, at times, it is dry, its water having been used upstreamin many instances used more than once by ranchers, urban dwellers, and farmers. Since the late 1990s the U.S. Department of the Interior has been experimenting with flow modification at the large Colorado River dams. Large flows are released from the dams during spring, so as to mimic the spring floods that naturally occurred on the river. Ideally, these flows will redistribute sediment, modify the channel bed and sandbars, and flush unwanted detritus and contaminants from the river. More-aggressive attempts to improve the river's flow are under consideration, including removal of the dams.

      Tensions continue to arise among the basin states over water allocation, interstate water marketing, drought management, potential effects of global climatic change, Indian water rights, and reservoir management. These issues have been watched closely not only in the affected region but also in other areas of the world, for which the Colorado River serves as a laboratory of water-resource experimentation and innovation.

M. John Loeffler James L. Wescoat, Jr.

Additional Reading
Philip L. Fradkin, A River No More: The Colorado River and the West (1981), is a lucid introduction describing the river from the headwaters to the delta. John Wesley Powell, Canyons of the Colorado (1895, reissued as The Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons, 1987), is an exciting account of an early scientific exploration with a wealth of geologic and ethnographic detail. A broader context of exploration and settlement is provided in Richard A. Bartlett, Great Surveys of the American West (1962, reprinted with expanded bibliography, 1980); and William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (1966, reissued 1978). William L. Graf, The Colorado River: Instability and Basin Management (1985), examines the physical geography of the basin, with emphasis on natural processes and the impact of human activity. National Research Council (U.S.), Committee on Water, Water and Choice in the Colorado Basin: An Example of Alternatives in Water Management (1968), remains a landmark study of river-basin management and policy. James L. Wescoat, Jr., Integrated Water Development: Water Use and Conservation Practice in Western Colorado (1984), describes how basinwide policies influence every aspect of water use in local areas. Gary D. Weatherford and F. Lee Brown (eds.), New Courses for the Colorado River (1986), combines a balanced review of historical controversies with creative approaches for addressing them in the future. Michael Collier, R.H. Webb, and J.C. Schmidt, “Dams and Rivers Primer on the Downstream Effects of Dams,” USGS Circular 1126 (1996), is a well-written piece on the environmental impacts of dams on river systems.James L. Wescoat, Jr.

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