Church Missionary Society

Church Missionary Society
a Church of England organization that sends missionaries all over the world to teach people about Christianity. It was started in 1799.

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Anglican organization
      society founded in London in 1799 as the Society for Missions in Africa and the East, by Evangelical clergy of the Church of England (those who stressed biblical faith, personal conversion, and piety). In 1812 it was renamed the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East.

      During its first 10 years it sent only five missionaries to work among non-Christians, but it gradually gained support, and its work expanded. Various CMS areas, including Canada, became independent provinces of the Anglican Communion. CMS's in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa are associated but fully autonomous.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Church Missionary Society — noun a Christian lay society founded by evangelical Anglicans in London in 1799 to promote missionary work; an auxiliary established in Sydney in 1825 …  

  • (the) Church Missionary Society — the Church Missionary Society [the Church Missionary Society] a ↑Church of England organization that sends missionaries all over the world to teach people about Christianity. It was started in 1799 …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Church Mission Society — The Church Mission Society, also known as the Church Missionary Society, is a group of evangelistic societies working with the Anglican Communion and Protestant Christians around the world. Founded in 1799, CMS has attracted upwards of nine… …   Wikipedia

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