British Council

British Council
a British government organization that was set up in 1934 to develop a better understanding of Britain, British culture and the English language in other countries. It has libraries and cultural centres in many countries, and organizes films, exhibitions, visits by British writers and artists, student exchanges and language lessons.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • British Council — Devise : Learn, share, connect worldwide Création 1934 Type Institution culturelle Siège Londres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • British Council —   [ brɪtɪʃ kaʊnsl], 1934 gegründete britische Einrichtung mit der Aufgabe, das Wissen über Großbritannien und die Kenntnis der englischen Sprache zu verbreiten sowie die kulturellen Beziehungen zwischen Großbritannien und dem Ausland zum Nutzen… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • British Council — The British Council is a Public Body of the United Kingdom Government which specialises in educational and development opportunities. It is a non departmental public body, a public corporation incorporated by royal charter, and is registered as a …   Wikipedia

  • British Council — Logo des British Council Der British Council ist eine britische gemeinnützige Einrichtung zur Förderung internationaler Beziehungen. Ziel der Einrichtung ist der Aufbau gegenseitiger Beziehungen zwischen Menschen des Vereinigten Königreiches und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • British Council — Imagen del British Council de Londres. El Consejo Británico (inglés: British Council), es un instituto cultural, una institución pública cuya misión es difundir el conocimiento de la lengua inglesa y su cultura mediante la formación y otras… …   Wikipedia Español

  • British Council —    Founded in 1934 and granted a charter in 1940, the British Council is an independent, non political organization that receives government funding and generates fee income. Its mission is to promote worldwide knowledge of the English language… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • British Council — the ˌBritish ˈCouncil 7 [British Council] noun singular an organization that represents British culture in other countries and develops closer cultural relations with them   Culture: The British Council has libraries and cultural centres in man …   Useful english dictionary

  • British Council — El British Council también conocido como Consejo Británico o Instituto Británico es un instituto cultural, una institución pública cuya misión es difundir el conocimiento de la lengua inglesa y su cultura mediante la formación y otras actividades …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • British Council, the — a British organization that helps to spread the English language and British culture and technology around the world. It is supported by the British government …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • British Council — British Coun|cil, the an organization that was set up in 1935 to represent the UK s interests abroad in areas such as education and the arts …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • British Council — British government advisory body …   English contemporary dictionary

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