
To turn, twist; with derivatives referring to suppleness or binding. Also weiə- (earlier *weiə₁-).
Derivatives include wire, vise, and iris.
I. Form *wei-.
a. wire, from Old English wīr, wire;
b. garland, from Old French garlande, wreath, from Frankish *wiara, *weara, wire. Both a and b from Germanic suffixed form *-ra-, *-ra-.
2. Probably suffixed Germanic form *wai-ra-. seaware, from Old English wār, seaweed.
3. Suffixed zero-grade form *wi-riā-. ferrule, from Latin viriae, bracelets (of Celtic origin).
4. Suffixed form *wei-ti-. withy, from Old English wīthig, willow, withy, from Germanic *wīth-, willow.
5. Suffixed zero-grade form *wi-t-. withe, from Old English withthe, supple twig, from Germanic *withjōn-.
II. Form *weiə-, zero-grade *- (< *wiə-).
1. Suffixed form *-ti-. vise; viticulture, from Latin vītis, vine.
2. Suffixed form *-- becoming *wittā-. vitta, from Latin vitta, headband.
3. Suffixed form *-men-. Mimbres, from Latin vīmen, withy, wicker.
4. Probably suffixed form *-ri-. iridaceous, irido-, iris, Iris; iridium, iritis, from Greek īris, rainbow, and Īris, rainbow goddess.
5. Perhaps suffixed form *-n-. inion; exine, inosine, inositol, inotropic, from Greek īs, sinew.
[Pokorny 1. u̯ei- 1120.]

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