
To live. Also gʷeiə- (oldest form *gʷeiə₃-, with metathesized variant *gʷyeə₃-, colored to *gʷyoə₃-, contracted to *gʷyō-).
Derivatives include quick, vivid, vitamin, whiskey, amphibious, microbe, and hygiene.
I. Suffixed zero-grade form *gʷi-wo-, *gʷī-wo- (< *gʷiə-wo-), living.
a. quick, quicksilver, from Old English cwic, cwicu, living, alive;
b. couch grass, quitch grass, from Old English cwice, couch grass (so named from its rapid growth). Both a and b from Germanic *kwi(k)waz.
(i) vivify, viviparous, from Latin vīvus, living, alive;
(ii) viper, weever, wyvern, from Latin vīpera, viper, contracted from *vīvipera, “bearing live young” (from the belief that it hatches its eggs inside its body), from feminine of earlier *vīvo-paros (-paros, bearing; see perə-1);
b. viand, victual, viva, vivacious, vivid; convivial, revive, survive, from Latin denominative vīvere, to live.
3. azoth, from Middle Persian *zhīwak, alive, from Old Persian *jīvaka-, extension of jīva-.
4. Further suffixed form *gʷī-wo--. viable, vital; vitamin, from Latin vīta, life.
5. Further suffixed form *gʷi-wo-tūt-. usquebaugh, whiskey, from Old Irish bethu, life.
II. Suffixed zero-grade form *gʷiə-o-. bio-, biota, biotic; aerobe, amphibian, anabiosis, cenobite, dendrobium, microbe, rhizobium, saprobe, symbiosis, from Greek bios, life (> biotē, way of life).
III. Variant form *gʷyō- (< *gʷyoə-).
1. azo-; diazo, hylozoism, from Greek zoē, life.
2. Suffixed form *gʷyō-yo-. zodiac, -zoic, zoo-, zoon1, -zoon, from Greek zōon, zōion, living being, animal.
IV. Compound suffixed form *yu-gʷiə-es- (see aiw-).
V. Possibly Old English cwifer-, nimble: quiver1.
[Pokorny 3. gᵘ̯ei̯- 467.]

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Universalium. 2010.

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