inner ear

inner ear
the part of the ear in the temporal bone consisting of the semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea: see EAR1

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or labyrinth of the ear

Part of the ear containing organs of hearing and equilibrium.

The bony labyrinth has three sections (semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea); within each structure is a corresponding part of the membranous labyrinth (semicircular ducts, two saclike structures in the vestibule, and cochlear duct). Sound vibrations are transmitted from the middle ear through the membrane-covered oval window to fluid in the snail-shell-shaped cochlea, whose motion stimulates hair cells in the cochlea. The hair cells trigger nerve impulses that travel to the brain, which interprets them as sound. The vestibule and semicircular canals also have organs with hair cells. Those in the vestibule indicate the head's position with respect to the rest of the body (see proprioception). The three semicircular canals, at right angles to each other, signal motion of the head in three-dimensional space. Continued stimulation after motion stops causes a mismatch with visual input, experienced as dizziness or motion sickness.

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also called  labyrinth of the ear,  

      part of the ear that contains organs of the senses of hearing and equilibrium. The bony labyrinth, a cavity in the temporal bone, is divided into three sections: the vestibule, the semicircular canals, and the cochlea. Within the bony labyrinth is a membranous labyrinth, which is also divided into three parts: the semicircular ducts; two saclike structures, the saccule and utricle, located in the vestibule; and the cochlear duct, which is the only part of the inner ear involved in hearing. The cochlear duct forms a shelf across the cochlea dividing it into two sections, the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani. The entire inner ear is bathed in a cushioning fluid, called the endolymph when it lies within the membranous labyrinth and the perilymph when it separates the bony and membranous labyrinths.

 In the cochlea, both the bony labyrinth and the cochlear duct are coiled in a shape resembling that of a snail shell. Resting along the basilar membrane, which forms the base of the cochlear duct, is an arrangement of sensory cells and supporting cells known as the organ of Corti. This cluster of cells varies in thickness, so that different regions within the cochlea are sensitive to different wavelengths of sound. When sound waves are conducted across the bones of the middle ear, they cause the oval window (a membranous opening between the middle and inner ears) to move in and out along with the stapes of the middle ear, to which it is attached. The motion of the oval window sets up a wave in the perilymph filling the scala vestibuli of the cochlea. This wave is transmitted across Reissner's membrane (the roof of the cochlear duct) into the endolymph of the cochlear duct. It then passes through the tectorial membrane, which forms a roof to protect the organ of Corti, into the organ of Corti. The organ of Corti contains sensory cells with hairlike projections, called hair cells, that are deformed by the progress of the wave. The hair cells trigger nerve impulses that travel along the cochlear nerve, a branch of the auditory nerve, to the brain, where they are interpreted as sound. The sound wave then passes into the perilymph of the scala tympani, where it causes a second membrane-covered opening into the middle ear, the round window, to bulge outward and dampen the wave in the perilymph. The exact physical mechanism of hearingi.e., the traveling of waves along the basilar membranewas first correctly explicated by the Hungarian-American physicist Georg von Békésy in the mid-20th century.

Equilibrium (proprioception)
      The other divisions of the inner earthe vestibule and the semicircular canalsare involved in the sense of equilibrium. Each has an organ containing hair cells similar to those of the organ of Corti. The utricle and saccule each contain a macula, an organ consisting of a patch of hair cells covered by a gelatinous membrane containing particles of calcium carbonate, called otoliths. Motions of the head cause the otoliths to pull on the hair cells, stimulating another auditory nerve branch, the vestibular nerve, which signals the position of the head with respect to the rest of the body.

      The three semicircular canals are arranged at right angles to each other, so that they measure motions in all three planes. Within each semicircular canal is a semicircular duct. Each duct ends in a swelling called an ampulla, which houses a ridge called the ampullary crest (or crista), containing still more hair cells. These cells respond to motion of the endolymph fluid caused by motion of the head in any direction; they transmit signals indicating changes of position through the vestibular nerve.

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Universalium. 2010.

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