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Zionist — Zionist, Anhänger des Zionismus (s. d.) oder Anhänger der Zionskirche (s. d.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Zionist — 1896 (adj. and noun), from ZION (Cf. Zion) + IST (Cf. ist) … Etymology dictionary
Zionist — [[t]za͟ɪ͟ənɪst[/t]] Zionists 1) N COUNT A Zionist is someone who believes in Zionism. He was an ardent Zionist. 2) ADJ: usu ADJ n Zionist means relating to Zionism. ...the Zionist movement … English dictionary
Zionist — I noun a Jewish supporter of Zionism (Freq. 1) • Derivationally related forms: ↑Zionism • Hypernyms: ↑Jew, ↑Hebrew, ↑Israelite II adjective … Useful english dictionary
Zionist — Als Zionismus (von Zion) wird die jüdische Nationalbewegung bezeichnet, die sich infolge des Antisemitismus in Europa um 1880 politisch zu organisieren begann und einen eigenen jüdischen Nationalstaat in Palästina anstrebte. Der jüdische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Zionist — 1. noun An advocate of Zionism See Also: Zion, Sion, Zionism 2. adjective of or pertaining to a Zionist or Zionists … Wiktionary
Zionist — adj. Zionist is used with these nouns: ↑movement … Collocations dictionary
Zionist — Zionism ► NOUN ▪ a movement for the development and protection of a Jewish nation in Israel. DERIVATIVES Zionist noun & adjective … English terms dictionary
ZIONIST CONGRESSES — ZIONIST CONGRESSES, the highest authority in the Zionist Organization; created by theodor herzl . None of the previous attempts to convene general assemblies of the Jewish national movement, some of which were successful and some abortive,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Zionist Occupation Government — (abbreviated as ZOG) is an antisemitic conspiracy theory according to which Jews secretly control a country, while the formal government is a puppet regime. This expression is often used by various antisemitic groups including neo Nazis in the… … Wikipedia
Zionist entity — is a term used primarily in the Arab worldcite book | title=Legitimacy and Force: Natural and International Dimensions| last=Kirkpatrick| first=Jeane| authorlink=Jeane Kirkpatrick| date=1988| pages=7| publisher=Transaction Publishers| id=ISBN 0… … Wikipedia