
ver·nal·i·za·tion (vûr'--zāʹshən) n.
Subjection of seeds or seedlings to low temperature in order to hasten plant development and flowering.
  verʹnal·ize' v.

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      the artificial exposure of plants (or seeds) to low temperatures in order to stimulate flowering or to enhance seed production. By satisfying the cold requirement of many temperate-zone plants, flowering can be induced to occur earlier than normal or in warm climates lacking the requisite seasonal chilling. Knowledge of this process has been used to eliminate the normal two-year growth cycle required of winter wheat. By partially germinating the seed and then chilling it to 0° C (32° F) until spring, it is possible to cause winter wheat to produce a crop in the same year.

      Devernalization can be brought about by exposing previously vernalized plants or seeds to high temperatures, causing a reversion to the original nonflowering condition. onion sets that are commercially stored at near freezing temperatures to retard spoilage are thereby automatically vernalized and ready to flower as soon as they are planted. Exposure to temperatures above 26.7° C (80° F) for two to three weeks before planting, however, shifts the sets to the desired bulb-forming phase.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Vernalization — (vernalisation British English) is the acquisition of the competence to flower in the spring by exposure to the prolonged cold of winter. The word vernalization comes from the Latin word vernus , meaning of the spring . Many temperate plants have …   Wikipedia

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